"Achoo!" I sneezed for the tenth time now.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Harry asked, sitting next to me on the sofa.
"I'm fine." I smiled, pretending to be okay, whereas I was actually feeling really poorly.
Harry had been to the studio today and ever since I woke up I've been feeling really ill, I've even thrown up twice today, I don't have an appetite and I keep sneezing.
Harry rose his eyebrows suspiciously. After a few minutes of silence he spoke up again. "So...how about we go out tonight?" I knew exactly what he was trying to do. He was trying to make me admit I wasn't okay.
"Well I don't really feel like going out, I'm really tired." I said quickly.
"Why won't you just admit you don't feel well?"
"Because I'm feeling fine, we can go out if you want I'm just tired." I lied.
"Tired from what?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Work." I said, simply.
"You haven't been to work Y/N because you didn't bring me lunch like you usually do and because your ill." Harry explained, proud because he was right and I wasn't.
"I'm a bit under the weather but I'm fine." I said.
"Achoo!" I squeaked as another sneeze racked my body.
"Okay come on. Your going to bed." Harry said, picking me up and taking me to our shared bedroom.
"Harry I'm fine!" I said as sternly as I could although I sounded really quiet.
"Your not very good at defending yourself right now are you?" Harry laughed, tucking me into bed.
"Why didn't you take some medicine?" Harry asked.
"Because I thought I'd be fine. I am fine!" I protested.
"No your not, your taking something." He instructed.
He went out of the room before returning a few minutes later with medicine and water.
"Come on, take some medicine and then we can cuddle, okay?" He compromised.
"Harry I don't want you to take care of me, I'll be fine." I told him, taking my medicine before lying down in bed.
Harry climbed under the covers, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek.
"I like taking care of you." Harry argued.
"But you'll get sick." I warned.
"Well then we can be sick together." Harry chucked.
I woke up the next morning and noticed Harry wasn't in bed.I got out of bed, feeling even worse and stated to cough as I made my way to the kitchen.
"That cough doesn't sound too good kitten, you need some cough medicine too." Harry observed, concerned.
"I'll be fine." I challenged, my voice sounding croaky as I talked.
"No you won't." Harry said firmly.
"You'll be fine once your better, but right now your not and it's my job to take care of you, now go back to bed and I'll make you some breakfast." He ordered.
I sighed, knowing this was not up for negotiation, I headed up to my bedroom.
"No, Harry I'm not hungry and if I eat ill just throw it back up." I told him as he walked into our bedroom about five minutes later.
"I know but you have to eat something, baby." Harry said pouting.
"I don't want to."
"But you have to, come on, if you throw up ill be there to hold your hair back and rub your back." Harry reasoned.
"Don't you have work today?" I asked.
"Nope, I'm staying here, now don't change the subject."
"Harry you can't, you have to go to work."
"I want to take care of you Y/N, now eat some breakfast, just one mouthful, for me?" He pouted.
I sighed. This was going to be a long day.
*A few days later*
I'm now completely better although Harry isn't.
"I told you you'd get sick." I laughed.
"I know but it was worth the few extra days I got to spend with you." Harry smiled, weakly due to his illness.
"Aw Harry, your so romantic aren't you?"
"I do try. Anyway you don't need to look after me, I don't want you to get ill again." Harry said, he was so caring.
"No I want to, thank you for looking after me, I feel awful for making you sick so I'm going to do my best to get you well again." I smiled.
"Your welcome and Thank you."
"Your welcome. I love you Harry."
"I love you too Y/N."
This one is for _hazzagirl_ she asked me to write this one:) I hope you liked it!She's really nice and she's new to wattpad but she has some one direction imagines of her own up and I'd be amazing if you could check them out!:)
Thank you all so much for all your voting and commenting,your all amazing and beautiful<3

One Direction Imagines and Preferences 2
FanfictionMy second book of one direction imagines and preferences<3