Disability- Liam Imagine

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This is an imagine close to both mine and @PrivateVincents heart (her username was @CATAHSAM before) so thank you so much if you decided to read.xx

My next update will be a preference with a possible part 2;) and then a louis imagine will be after that:)

Warning: some of you who have anyone in your family who is autistic may find this slightly upsetting.

Y/B/N = Your Brothers Name.

Important notice at the end.

Y/Ns Pov:

My phone rung just as I'd finished preparing my brothers lunch.

"Hello?" I answered, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hey babe, guess what?" Liam asked, excitedly.

"Oh hey Li, what?" I giggled.

"I'm coming home from tour today!" He squealed and my face dropped.

"Y-you are?" I double checked.

"Yes! I mean it was going to be a surprise but I just couldn't wait to tell you, me and the boys are done now because we moved our show to last night instead but I've only just told you now-"

"Okay, so what time will you be home?" I interrupted, chewing my lip nervously.

"Well were just packing now and getting on the plane in about two hours so ill he home later this evening!" He exclaimed and I could almost hear the smile in his voice.


"What's up? Don't you wanna see me?" He asked, sounding hurt.

"Y/N?" My brothers voice asked from next to me.

"Who's was that Y/N?" Liam asked through the phone.

"Of course I want to see you! Don't be silly and it's the TV because someone has the same name as me, okay got to go, bye!" I lied, hanging up.

"Y/B/N, go sit back down, I've made you lunch." I smiled bringing my brother to the table.

I was so happy that Liam was coming back from tour but not this early.

You see my brother is autistic, a condition where a disfunction in the brain is caused while still in the womb, basically he is mentally disabled, although you wouldn't think it, he looked perfectly normal. But he wasn't.

I was looking after him for a week while my mum was on holiday and didn't expect Liam back yet; he didn't know I even had a brother.

It felt so awful not telling him and for lying to him, but what if he judged him like everyone else? What if the fans hated on him and he ended up caught up in big crowds? I need to protect him from all of that.

"Y/B/N, do you want to watch Peter Pan?" I asked after he'd finished eating.

"Yay!" He cheered, taking his place on the sofa as I put Peter Pan in.

The reason I showed him this film was because I wanted to show him he can stay young forever; he got confused when he saw me move out from home and wondered why he couldn't ever live on his own. I had to try to explain and I just wanted to keep him young forever, this film really reflected that.

"Who was that on the- on the." He began.

He could have a conversation with me, but it was only small and sometimes he would forget the words he was trying to form.

"On the phone?" I finished for him and he nodded.

I took a deep breath. "It was Liam, he's my boyfriend and he lives with me." I explained. No matter what I couldn't lie to my brother, he has enough confusion in his life.

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