You opened the door to yours and Harry's shared flat after picking up some food for the boys on the way home, only to hear voices in the living room, you wasn't going to eavesdrop until you heard your name;"so how's you and Y/N?" You heard louis ask.
"Okay I suppose." Harry sighed.
"What do you mean by 'okay', you usually tell us loads about how much you love Y/N." Niall chuckled.
"Yeah, is there something wrong?" Liam chipped in, concerned.
"Well, not really...it's just her, she's gotten so cuddly recently and with the stress of everything I just get so annoyed, but obviously I don't show it. I just need space, I never really noticed it before but she's actually really clingy and it's really annoying me. The only time I get away from her is when I'm with you guys or in the studio." He explained.
Tears welled in your eyes as you stood with the bag of food.
You quietly walked to the door, blinking back the tears, opened and shut it pretending to have just come home and this time when you walked to the living room you heard Harry again;
"See, I can't get away from her."
"Hey boys, I got you all some food." You exclaimed, trying your best to smile as you gave the bag to Niall who was already up and taking it out of your hands.
"I'm going to call Y/B/F/N." You smiled, heading out.
"Y/N, come eat some food with us before." Harry called just as you reached the door.
You blinked back the tears, turning around and shaking my head.
"I really need to ring Y/B/F/N." You smiled and you could tell he knew something was wrong.
You walked upstairs and decided I was going to change.
If you wanted to keep Harry you were going to have to be less clingy.
You and the boys had decided, with Niall's strong input, to go to Nando's for dinner, which was an amazing idea to you because you were really hungry after a long day at work.
"I'm so hungry after the day I've had." I exclaimed, laughing with Niall.
"Me too, although I'm hungry all the time no matter what day I've had." He laughed.
You all got a table and ordered your food and once you'd finished eating you left to use the bathroom, however, when you came back you heard something you didn't want to hear.
"Y/N has just been eating so much recently and she's using her long days at work as an excuse to eat." Louis said.
"Maybe she's just tired and wants food, I know I do." Niall chimed, making me smile slightly.
"No because I've been noticing she's gaining weight, it's like she doesn't even care about her appearance anymore." He exclaimed and you were shocked.
How could he say something like that? He knew all about your insecurities and he still said it.
"I haven't noticed anything," Liam chimed.
"Well you don't live with her, I do." He snapped.
You walked from around the corner where you were and smiled at Louis.
"Ready to go, love?" He asked and you nodded, pretending everything was okay.
If he wasn't happy with my weight, then neither were you and things were about to change.

One Direction Imagines and Preferences 2
FanfictionMy second book of one direction imagines and preferences<3