You smiled, one full of happiness to look at the photos of you and Louis, but full of pain.
Relationships have fights and in this one you had to say goodbye to him a lot with touring, but the pressure of being expected to be someone your not, the media and management was all becoming too much and you had left.
Currently staying in your best friends house, having decided the boys wouldn't be the best place considering they were Louis best friends, despite you being a close friend of their too, you had decided that if you were going to leave properly, it was going to be this way.
"I can't take this anymore and I won't tolerate it." You told him.
"But you don't have to listen to management because they want us to break up," he argued.
"I do because obviously I'm not good enough and I'm clearly not for you with the way you've been behaving recently." You huffed.
"Just because we've been arguing more doesn't mean we should end our relationship." He retorted.
"It does." You stated simply.
"So that's it? Your done?" He scoffed.
"You don't understand what it's like for me!" You shouted, getting your stuff together before walking out of the bedroom.
You sat on what was now your bed as you unpacked your suitcase, looking through everything you had shared together, apart from the few photographs you had left behind for Louis to keep.
If he had have continued to persuade you to stay, you probably would've given it some consideration. But the last words he spoke to you replayed in your head as you wondered how much love he ever had for you.
"Okay, fine you leave, I guess this is easier for me anyway,"
"What do you mean?" You asked, turning around to face him as you reached the front door.
"I don't have to argue with you all of the time, a break up is probably what's needed because I couldn't even fight for you in managements office." He said, so casually it was like he didn't care much anymore.
"Didn't you want to?" You asked, quietly.
"Not really, now are you leaving?" He asked, sighing before he left to walk into the living room.
You stood at the door, shocked and upset about how your relationship had become before you left.
You placed the photographs into a draw, hiding them away from your view to try and stop thinking about it for a while.
You checked your phone, noticing a message from Louis which simply read:
"Do you need to get anymore stuff or have you got everything?"
That's it? Are we really over? You thought.
Even though you had left, you felt the pang in your chest as the realisation that you were most likely not getting back together became apparent.
"No, I have everything." You text back.
This isn't just leaving for tour. This is what goodbye really felt like.
Does anyone want a part two to this one? <3Lauren<3

One Direction Imagines and Preferences 2
FanfictionMy second book of one direction imagines and preferences<3