Fan Encounter ~ Liam Imagine.

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"I thought it would be good to go out for a bit." You told Liam over the phone as he worried.

You had took an evening walk to relax after the long week at work you had and you were currently sat down inside a cafe, spending some time to yourself.

"You could've told me." He muttered.

"I text you to let you know, you were in the shower and I wanted to just spend some time for myself." You explained.

"Oh, sorry, I've just got your text now, I was too busy focusing on just calling you to check. But you still could have waited until I got out of the shower." He grumbled and you laughed.

"Try not to worry, it's not dark."

"I know, but I still worry, where are you now?" He asked.

"I'm in a cafe, I'm fine so stop stressing, okay? I'll be back soon." You told him.

"Okay, but please don't be too long and text me when your on your way back." He sighed.

"I will do, I love you."

"I love you too, bye." He said as the phone went off.

You relaxed, drinking the drink you had ordered and spending sometime to think for a while and to just be yourself before you got up, deciding to go home.

"Hey Y/N!" You heard being called from behind you as you were almost back home.

You turned around, noticing two girls walking towards you.

"Can I help you?" You asked, politely.

"Yeah, you can start by leaving Liam. He doesn't need you in his life." One of the girls said, who had blonde hair.

Your eyes widened as you stood in shock at the girls forwardness towards you.

"Were only looking out for him, it's a good thing we are too. Your not good for his image." The other girl spoke. She on the other hand, had mousy brown hair.

They looked at you, expecting answer from you as they waited.

"Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, your allowed to have your say." You smiled slightly, being polite.

Their words hurt, but you had learnt and grown to be a strong person. You would be strong when you needed to be, even if you cried later, you knew you were strong.

They looked at you, speechless and slightly surprised at your response as they would most likely expect to be ignored.

"Well, yeah, but everyone says it, so why are you still here?" The blonde haired girl laughed nervously, stuttering on her words showing her true size.

She seemed like a bully, however when faced with a comeback she can't compete with, she shows her true age.

"Listen, you are still a child to me, however you are a fan and I can tell that so I do respect you to some level." You said, honest.

"A child? Were thirteen, were teenagers." the brown haired girl spoke, clear makeup on her face as she was clearly trying to act much older than she really was.

"Well your attitude certainly doesn't add up as being a teenager, it's rather childish if I'm honest," you said, calmly.

"You can't say that to us if you think were just children," the blonde haired girl smirked.

"No, your right. I was just giving you my honest opinion, like you did to me." You said, seriously.

You didn't want to come off as sarcastic as you didn't want to act like you were their age. You just wanted to defend yourself, in a better manner than getting into an argument.

"We don't care what you say, do you really think we would listen to you?" The brown haired girl said.

"Yes, I understand that. But what makes you think I'm going to listen to you?" You smiled slightly, almost smirking as their reactions showed confusion.

They must dislike you even more now, but if there's one thing you've learnt, is if you handle a situation well, you will feel better about yourself and it doesn't get you down as much as it used to at one point.

You walked away from the girls, quickly walking home and entering your shared home with Liam.

"Liam? I'm back." You called.

"I know and I just overheard your conversation with those fans." He told you, startling you slightly as he came through the door after you.

"What were you doing outside?" You asked.

"You were taking a while and I got worried, so I went outside to see what was going on and I heard your conversation." He explained.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to defend myself without arguing. I stayed calm." You spoke and he smiled.

"I know and I'm proud of you. It's brave of you to have said what you did and to not have come home in tears, even though I know their words insulted you." Liam said, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Thank you and I'm proud of myself too. If that had have happened years ago, I probably would've walked away and cried, but I've learnt now to defend myself." You told him.

"I'm so proud of you. You never used to think you were that important, but you are. You defended yourself and made yourself proud for doing so, as well as me. You used to say to me how you'd be fine even though you clearly weren't and I'm glad you can finally hold your head high. You deserve it babe," he said, genuinely as he smiled at you, kissing your forehead.

"I tweeted about it by the way." he added.

You checked your phone, noticing a mention from him on twitter as it read:

"Proud of my beautiful cupcake, she's been through a lot and to have such a positive attitude is amazing. :) xx"

"Thank you Liam, you helped me a lot though."

"I know and I'm glad I was able to. I love you." He said, leaning in to kiss you.

"I love you." You said, happy to have the attitude you worked hard to achieve.

This imagine is about confidence and about learning to accept who you are as a person and I'm not at that point yet, but I wanted this to be inspiring to any of you going through a struggle. <3


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