Lost at Midnight ~ Zayn Imagine.

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I actually got this idea from ready to run, the "I don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night" part and for some reason I had this idea. :)


"Zayn I think were lost," I called over my shoulder.

Me and Zayn were currently stuck in the middle of a huge crop field as we'd somehow managed to get lost.

We'd been given maps along with a few other couples with a route to follow, as we decided to go on a walk while I was on tour with Zayn, only somehow, we'd managed to get lost.

"Y/N, I'm tired," Zayn whined.

"Pass me the map Zayn," I said, turning around to face him.

He pressed his lips together, tilting his head and looking at me for a few minutes before saying anything.


"The map Zayn," I confirmed.

"About that..." He trailed off, playing with his fingers.

I sighed, "you lost it, right?" I asked.

Zayn nodded and looked at me sympathetically.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose it, it just happened and I thought that we would be fine." He explained, following me as I walked ahead of him through the field, trying to find my bearings.

"It's okay Zayn, there's no point in an argument now, we need to try and get our bearings, alright?" I said.

"Y/N, it's getting dark." Zayn stated.

"I know," I said.

We walked further onwards and kept walking through the field until we got the road.

"I know where we are! I knew we'd be okay!" Zayn exclaimed happily and I vaguely remembered it too.

"Finally, hey Zayn?"

"Yes babe?"

"My feet are aching." I pouted.

Zayn looked down at my feet and noticed I was wearing heels.

"Y/N! Why didn't you tell me your feet were aching earlier? I didn't notice you were wearing heels through the crops!" He exclaimed, as I took off my heels to walk bear foot.

"Because I didn't want you to carry me on your back the entire time when you were tired enough yourself." I explained and he shook his head.

"No, come on baby, you can get on my back," he said, turning around and waiting for me to jump on.

"But zayn," I whined, dragging out his name.

"But baby, come on." He said as I jumped on his back.

He made sure I was comfortable as he held my heels in one hand as well as holding my thigh up. He did it so effortlessly that it had made me feel a lot less insecure about myself.

"Alright, now let's go." He said as he started to walk.

"Why did you wear heels today? You knew we were going on a walk,"

"Because I didn't realise it would be so long, I didn't realise we would be going through a crop field and I also didn't realise we'd get lost." I laughed and he groaned.

"I still feel so bad about loosing the map." He sighed.

"You don't need to be baby, it's fine, we know where we're going and we should be back to the bus soon." I said, kissing his cheek.

"I love you,"

"I love you too Zayn," I said as we enjoyed our way back together.

"It's midnight you know." Zayn said after checking his watch.

"I'm scared, it's dark and I just want to be back." I said.

"Aw baby look, where here now." He said, placing me down as we went inside the bus.

"Hey guys! You took all day!" Louis complained as soon as we walked through the door.

"We got lost and I lost the map." Zayn explained pouting.

"It's fine Zayn" I laughed.

"Are you sure? I hate that I made you walk in heels even longer,"

"It's honestly fine, I love you," I said kissing his pouting lips which soon turned into a smile.

"I love you too." He grinned.

Louis coughed purposely, muttering a "whipped" before laughing.

"Shut up Lou!" Zayn exclaimed, jokingly.


Please let me know your thoughts on this one?

QOTD: whats your favourite song off the album so far? Mines where do broken hearts go but fools gold is a close second<3


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