Chapter One

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~ Appearing In UA ~

~ Appearing In UA ~

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Alexis POV

After my beloved husband defeated Carnage Kabuto, we were in a hurry to leave the House of Evolution to get to the store in time for their big sale.

This was a big deal for Sai, and Genos and I knew it. But before we left for the door, I stopped. My curiosity was peaked as I saw a purple portal activated. "Hello? What are you?" It was just floating there, begging for me to go through it to reach the other side.

"Where are you going Lexi?" My arm was grabbed by Saitama, but before I could look over to him, my body was being pulled towards the portal like a vacuum. "W-What the hell?"

Saitama and Genos shared my confusion. Although Saitama just seemed unbothered as always, like he's done this crap before.

Saitama wrapped his arms around my waist as we, along with our third wheel Genos, were pulled into the shimmering purple portal.

Saitama wrapped his arms around my waist as we, along with our third wheel Genos, were pulled into the shimmering purple portal

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I turned in Saitama's hold and gripped his suit tightly while shutting my eyes, refusing to open them.

We were then thrown out of the portal and landed on, what felt like, concrete.

Genos groaned beside us as I looked around. I noticed I was on top of Saitama. I leaned closer to his face and pecked his lips, "Thanks Sai." He let a small, subtle smile grace his face. I returned it and stood up next to Genos who took in our surrounding before rushing to help Saitama up, "Master? Are you alright."

As Saitama stood up he waved Genos off, "Yeah, I'm good, what about you Genos?" Genos took a moment of silence before answering, "We appear to be in another universe.. or dimension?"

As we stood there in the empty street, a horn was blared and a shadow was casted above us. The three of us looked up and saw a green robot towering over us.

I blinked a couple times before Saitama pulled me behind him and chuckled, "Whoa, is this universe run by robots?"

I blinked a couple times before Saitama pulled me behind him and chuckled, "Whoa, is this universe run by robots?"

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