Chapter Thirty-Two / Epilogue

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Alexis POV

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Alexis POV

My head ached. That's all I remembered shortly after entering the portal. As soon as my foot touched the portal, it went black.

I groaned a bit, my hand holding my forehead for some form of comfort for the massive migraine I was experiencing. My eyes peered open a bit, although I instantly regretted that decision because I was soon blinded my the bright sun.

'Who decided that the sun should be this bright?'

I sat up, realizing that I was lying on top of grass. "What the..?" I muttered, more to myself while my eyes adjusted to the bright sunny view of the empty fields surrounding me. I was alone.

I stumbled to my feet, getting a clearer view of what's around me. There was a forest of trees nearby, and a far off structure..

'Is that a wall?'

Curiosity had gotten the better of me, so I began walking towards the far-stretching wall.

But then a large shadow was casted over me. I looked up and saw a large human-like being with a peculiar expression, almost as if it was smiling sinisterly as it reached for me.

'Well, we are certainly not in our universe..'

My initial instinct was to run, to get out of its way, but then I remembered that I'm not as strong as I once was, before I was pregnant.

Am I weak?

'Hell no.'

I merely stepped to the side and I was already way out of its direction. I may not be as fast or strong, but I can still move.

The tall human-like specimen grabbed nothing but air. It looked at its hand confusingly before it noticed me beside it. Its smile hadn't faltered but I could see the extreme sadness hidden in its eyes.

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