Chapter Thirty-One

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~ unexpected events and not-an-end endings ~

~ unexpected events and not-an-end endings ~

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Third Person Pov

~~ UA Hallway ~~

' That's disappointing. I really did think they'd put up more of a fight. Although, I did use more power than I had before, maybe this trip was worth it.. '

"Whoa.." A new voice called, gaining the attention of the stunned Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki, peeling their eyes off of the eerily silent Saitama. "Aizawa?" The teacher slowly made his way to the teenagers, "So his strength surpasses even that of All Might in his prime." He muttered, more to himself as Saitama lifted his head from the floor, "Are we going to the portal now? I don't want to leave my anxious wife wondering if I'm okay or not." Saitama stated as he dusted himself off a bit.

He looked up and saw the ongoing perplexed stares he was getting. Saitama shrugged, "Well, come on, I don't know the way to the laboratory. Lead the way." He motioned, snapping the spectators from their trance. "R-Right." Aizawa stuttered slightly, turning to lead him and the three teenagers to the lab where the rest were waiting.

The walk to the laboratory was awkwardly silent. The UA students and teacher couldn't even begin with the amount of questions swirling in their head for what they've just seen. "D-Did he finish off all of them? On his own?" Aizawa whispered towards Todoroki. Saitama was walking behind them with his hands behind his head, whistling a tune. Todoroki glanced at Saitama before nodding, "A single punch." He whispered back, Aizawa's eyes noticeably growing wide.

"One Punch Man.." Midoriya whispered in a fascinating realization, Bakugo walked beside him with his heart beating rapidly as he heard what Midoriya whispered. Everything came together.

~~ UA Laboratory ~~

Arriving at the Laboratory, Saitama cautiously step toward his wife, worried she was mad that he had lied to her, "I-" Before he could defend himself, Alexis wrapped her arms around her husband and buried her head in his chest, "Thank God you're okay." Her soft voice was muffled against his chest, Saitama confusingly hugged her back, "Why would you think I wouldn't be?" He asked, genuinely puzzled. Alexis lifted her head, her chin still against her husbands chest as her eyes glanced up to meet his, "Just because you're strong doesn't mean I'm going to worry about you any less." She answered, warming Saitama's heart at the adorable sight.

"You're my husband, Sai, I'll always worry." Alexis uttered softly. Silently, Saitama lifted her chin from his chest and leaned down to place a gentle and loving kiss on her lips. Pulling only centimeters away from her face, he whispered, "I love you." The statement made the brunette's heart flutter, "I love you to, Sai." She said back with genuineness.

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