Chapter Thirteen

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~ the talk with All Might ~

~ the talk with All Might ~

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Third Person POV

Another day after the hero course was dismissed, the students broke off into their own groups and walked off to the cafeteria for lunch.

Midoriya was walking with Uraraka and Iida, while Saitama and Alexis were walking not to far behind them. Genos decided to get to know his classmates,

(Actually, Alexis forced Genos to make friends because he kept staying by their side as if he was their child.)

"Midoriya, Saitama, and Alexis." The three who were called turned to see All Might, "Yes sir?" Alexis asked politely, "Come with me."

Midoriya nodded his head but glanced at the married couple while doing so, 'I Wonder why he needs Mr. Saitama and Mrs. Alexis,' he thought.

The walk to the teachers lounge was quiet, then they approached the door and once they made it inside, All Might locked the door.

He turned to his successor and his assistant teachers for a second before he transformed in a puff of smoke with a heavy sigh.

Midoriya's eyes widened, "W-WHAT ARE YOU-!?"


He and All Might turned to the married couple where Alexis stood giggling and Saitama had a red palm print on his forehead.

"A-are you okay Mr. Saitama?" Midoriya asked nervously, "Yeah, just give me a sec," he responded as he dug through his boot for five bucks.

He turned to his beaming wife and handed her the cash, "I can't believe you called it Lex." Alexis stood triumphantly, "Told you I have knack for these things Sai,"

The interaction left Midoriya and All Might confused, "You knew?" All Might asked.

Saitama rolled his eyes, "Yeah, we had an ongoing bet, she said you were running low on hero juice but I disagreed. Obviously I lost." He stated while gesturing to All Mights shrunken form.

All Might blinked a couple times before he cleared his throat, snapping Midoriya from his dazed trance, "Anyways, I called you here because I believe you two could be of assistance to our changing city."

Midoriya took a seat as All Might sat on the couch, the married couple stood behind Midoriya's seat.

"I can only keep my hero form on for 50 minutes, the longest." All Might said in a glum tone, causing Midoriya to frown and his lip to tremble,

"Only 50 minutes?"

All Might sighed as he poured tea for the other three, "Yeah, that's about how long I can use my power now. I overdid it too many times."

Then he recalled their pact to keep the USJ events a secret from the emotional wife in the room, "That thing was a real tough customer. He took a lot outta me."

Then he glanced a Saitama who had his arms crossed, evidently getting bored easily.

"But then you took it down with one punch?" He asked Saitama with skepticism and curiosity.

Saitama met All Might's gaze and nodded his head curtly, "Yeah, well it was easy after you weakened him with your strong borage of punches it took."

Midoriya looked at the two as they talked, "Yeah, that might've been it. He did seem weaker after my fight with it." All Might admitted, denying that the 'one-Punch' power Saitama claimed to have was real.

Saitama shrugged and stared out the window, avoiding the sympathetic glance his wife was giving.

'You'll always be my #1 hero, Sai.'

Midoriya shivered at the memory of Saitama's terrifying glare and booming voice at the facility, 'Could've fooled me, I actually believed he and Mrs. Alexis were stronger than All Might in his prime.'

~ Time Skip ~

After All Might talked to Midoriya about the festival and filling in the married couple off Midoriya's quirk, the student left to get to lunch.

Before the married couple could leave, the pro-hero stopped them, "I need to talk to the two of you personally." Alexis and Sai turned to All Might.

"I don't have much time left as the world's Symbol of Peace. Soon I'll have to put that title to bed."

Alexis glanced at her husband confused, Saitama glanced at his wife before turning to the pro-hero, "So, what does that problem have to do with us?

All Might sighed deeply, "Villains out there are noticing my weaker state. Someone has to step up and keep the people safe." He said with a determined scowl towards the window.

"I gave Midoriya that power for a reason.. but it'll be a long while before he truly masters it."

Then he turned to Saitama and Alexis, "Which is why I'm asking you two to keep this city and the UA students safe until Midoriya is strong enough to take my title." He asked with a closed fist.

Alexis looked at her husband again before sympathetically looking at All Might, understanding the stress he must've been under this whole time.

"We'll try our best sir." She answered for the both of them, "Although I am unsure how long we are staying in this universe."

All Might raised a hand, "I completely understand, it's just until then, could you keep them safe."

"Keep a bunch of teenagers training to be hero's out of trouble? Yeah we can do that." Saitama answered sincerely.

All Might gave a genuine smile, "Thank you."

Alexis smiled as she grabbed Saitama's hand and left the teachers lounge with a new objective:

Keep everyone safe.. Easy right?
Sorry for the boring chapter :(

Honestly it's just a filler, giving you some information that could be beneficial further in the story... but I hope you enjoyed this super short and super boring chapter!

Let me know what you guys think so far ;)

As always, stay safe and stay tuned!!


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