Chapter Twenty-One

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~ training in the woods ~
{{what could possibly go wrong}}

~ training in the woods ~{{what could possibly go wrong}}

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Alexis POV

Saitama and I were already at the camping grounds on the base of the mountain, I had started cooking some food for the students and staff with my blue and white apron tied around me.

King was put in charge of the dormitory since Genos was in the training camp as well and King was the most respected out of them.

I smiled contently because Saitama held me from behind and kissed my cheek as he whispered in my ear, "God, you're so beautiful."

My cheeks flared at the sudden compliment as I giggled, "Sai, I smell like dirt, I'm sweating, and my hair's a mess." I stated, fact after fact.

"So?" He countered with a cocky smile and wiggled his eyebrows in a funny way that made me laugh.

I kissed his lips lovingly before I continued cooking and making sure nothing burned. Kota would be super helpful even when I didn't need any, and he would alway do it with a smile.

'Kota is an adorable child.'

At first, he was a bit cold towards Sai and I but after we were introduced and gotten to know each other as we waited for the students, he grew more relaxed around me and opened up.

"Hey there you mighty bean!" I greeted as the smaller child walked up to me, he smiled in response,"Hi Mrs. Lexi! Need help with anything?"

"I'm okay for now Kota," I declined politely as I prepared the food.

"Hey, could you help me kid?" Sai asked from a bench beside Kota. The once enthusiastic child quickly became cold again, "No." He answered.

'I never said he was nice to Sai.'

We've been hearing distant explosions out in the forest, but thought nothing of it because we knew the students were on there way down.

The Pussycats had already gotten here and were setting up the necessities needed for the rest of camp while Sai and I were charged with watching Kota and preparing food for the students' arrival.

Then I looked over to sunset and heard panting. Noticing the students emerging from the forest, I had made sure food was ready.

I saw the students exhausted and tired, then Kirishima whined, "I'm starving! This hurts like hell!" Genos actually seemed tired as he slumped his shoulders and dusted off his clothes, "I have dirt in crevices I didn't know I could get dirt.."

Pixie-Bob meowed in response with a sweet smile, "I thought it would take you kids even longer. But you did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would!" She stated enthusiastically.

She essentially gave majority credit to Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, and Genos before trying to pester them into being groomed by her.

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