Chapter Nine

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~ The Incident ~
{{Part Three}}

~ The Incident ~{{Part Three}}

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Third Person POV

Thirteen gave Tenya Iida an order to run to the school and alert the faculty about the situation.

Then she used her quirk, 'black hole,' against Kurogiri. She's sure it was a direct hit yet, she was unsure if she caused damage or not.

Midoriya soon realized the villains had no idea what the students' quirk were. Separating the students was a tactic to expose their quirks individually and weakening there chances of winning in the process.

The students fought alongside one another, defeating their own challengers that came along with Shigaraki.

Mineta, Tsu, and Midoriya made there way through the water and near the center of the building.

"If we follow the shore to the exit, then we can avoid the central plaza entirely." Tsu nodded in agreement while Mineta stood silently behind them.

"Good idea. That way we don't run into the villains Mr. Aizawa and Genos are facing there." Tsu stated, but that just worried Midoriya.

'Can they handle them on their own? How long can they hold out against that many villains?'

Midoriya kept staring at Aizawa and Genos fighting. "If they don't get some backup, they'll overexert themselves just because they wanted to keep us safe."

Mineta began to sweat nervously as he shook, "Don't tell me you're suggesting...?" He trailed off, knowing what he was thinking.

Midoriya suggested they lighten their load of villains somehow.

Todoroki froze his opponents as soon as he got teleported there, rendering those villains completely useless.

He found out why they scattered them and scolded them for their lack of experience and knowledge of their own quirks. Knowing they had no idea what the students quirks were.

Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta crouched around the shoreline, peaking over to see how things were going. Midoriya stated they would leave once it got too dangerous.

Then they saw Aizawa attacking Shigaraki while Genos finished off the few villains they had left.

Aizawa successfully landed an elbow against Shigaraki's stomach, pushing him back forcefully. The students gasped at his abilities against a super tough villain.

But that celebration soon ended when Shigaraki truly caught his elbow before it ever made contact. Shigaraki revealed to Aizawa his tell, his hair.

Aizawa's elbow slowly deteriorated.

"Don't push yourself too hard now, you might just fall apart. Wouldn't that be a shame?"

Genos saw what was happening and quickly jumped into action. He grabbed his hand that had Aizawa by the wrist and swiftly threw him off.

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