Chapter Twenty-Two

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~ The Villains Attack... Again ~

Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Dabi and his small gang of villains were standing on a nearby cliff, overseeing the forest the students were camping in, "That makes seven of us." A villain with a black cloak and white mask cracked his knuckles, "I don't care. Just let me loose." He complained while huffing deep breaths, "I'm too pumped up to stand by."

Dabi looked over his shoulder, "Shut your mouth, you crazy bastard. We wait." He ordered while facing forward once again, a wicked smirk across his face, "We're still expecting three more people to join our little party."

The wind picked up and ran through the capes and cloaks of the villains standing behind Dabi, "The League of Villains made a mistake going after them with a bunch of random thugs at the USJ."

Then his mind went to Alexis and Saitama and his fist tightened with anticipation,"Especially with him protecting her. Better to use a small group of elites. This way, we may even be able to separate the lovely married couple."

He narrowed his eyes and saw the group entering their sleeping quarters, "The first thing we have to do, is take away their sense of peace and show them that their lives rest in our hands."

~ next early morning ~

Thanks to the extra lessons some of the students decided to take (which kept going until two in the morning) they weren't really up to their optimal strength for the later lessons that began at seven in the morning.

But the students tried to refrain from complaining out loud before Aizawa enforced a horrific punishment. Like the one Bakugo had to go through.

He was forced to arm wrestle Saitama until he won. They went on to round 236. And Bakugo's arm was on the brink of falling off, but Saitama could care less because this was how he was gonna get his revenge for hurting his wife's feelings.

Aizawa gave a motivational speech and another explanation going further into detail on the lack of teachers from UA. Then the Pussycat members revealed that there would be a 'game' for the students to play that night, saying that they could 'play hard' as well as 'work hard'. To the students, it just sounded like extra training in the dark.

Later that afternoon, the sun began to set and the students were in the middle of making their own dinners. Bakugo swiftly cut his veggies in a professional manner, shocking Uraraka as she commented how good Bakugo was with that knife which offended Bakugo because of how surprised she acted that he was good at something that wasn't just making big explosions.

Before Bakugo resumed his cooking, he stole a glance towards Alexis. She was making hers and Saitama's dinner with Kota sitting on her lap. Alexis occasionally messed with Kota by tickling him or tapping her finger on his nose in a playful manner causing Kota to erupt in a small fit of laughter.

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