Chapter Thirty-Eight

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so, are we going home or what? —

— so, are we going home or what? —

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Alexis POV

The morning after, everyone was tired. Me and Saitama included. The successful take-back of both Wall Maria and Shiganshina was strenuous yet revitalizing, but also exhausting.

Now in bed as the sun called for us to wake, Saitama and I we were sleeping through the day with our children between us. After the events of yesterday, they didn't want to leave our sides.

Lucien was cuddling into my side with Oliver next to him, sleeping soundly as well with his arm around his brother. Emery was on the other side of Oli, laying on Saitama, her hand covering his face with her leg lying across Oli's torso.

I smiled at the sight in content, kissing the crown of Lucien's head before pulling away.

Third Person POV

Alexis left their bedroom, walking to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. The sun had yet to come out and over the trees surrounding their safe house, simulating the night sky.

Laying her hands on the counter, Alexis' mind couldn't help but replay memories.

First, Titans trying kill the students of UA and her close friends, then the sight of it was the Cart Titan about to kill her children. She held her mouth as her eyes watered. The sight of her children clinging to one another, Oliver bawling his eyes out, Emery shaking, and Lucien's glare wavering as he shielded his siblings with his hands tightly holding theirs.

Tears slipped through her eyes and a gasp escaped her lips as the vivid memory of All For One abruptly appeared in her mind. The man was the only one to have truly terrified her. The sadistic glint in his eyes, heartless taunts, and chilling laughs. The brunette has had continuous nightmares about that night, she used to wake up screaming since before the kids were born. Even some graphic dreams of the now-dead villain getting a hold of her family, killing them in front of her. Alexis held her chest, wiping her eyes before she broke down completely.

Saitama had to hold her tightly to calm her down those nights. Since then, the dreams slowed down in frequency, but with what had happened the previous day, she couldn't help but to unconsciously reminisce. And it didn't help when she was welcomed into this universe in the midst of a bloody invasion of titans.

Regaining her composure, Alexis went to cook breakfast.

Reaching for the pan in the cabinets, Alexis' hand abruptly moved beside her head, gripping the hand that was reaching to cover her mouth. "I'd rethink your next steps, sir." She whispered. The quiet assailant quaked with fear, instinctually swinging his opposing leg toward the heroine. But the kicked didn't faze Alexis, but her grip surely tightened.

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