Chapter Fifteen

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~ roaring sports festival ~
<<part one>>

~ roaring sports festival ~<<part one>>

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Third Person POV

The entire class of 1-a have been working on their quirks and skills day in and day out. Even Genos.

Sonic decided to skip out on the festival and stay at the dormitory, maybe even complete a job or two.

Maybe even find the villains he had encountered at the USJ facility. Sonic is Saitama's nemesis after all, he had to make a name for himself in this universe.

Everyone else was finding different and unique ways to improve themselves..

..everyone but our married couple, that is.

Saitama and Alexis have been staying at the dormitory for the majority of their free time. It's been a while since they could have alone time with one another and they took the opportunity.

Of course, they would help Aizawa teach and help the students in any way they could, but once they got home, they just staying in each other's arms.

Saitama was grumpy about everyone else getting his wife's attention anyways, he just wanted Alexis to himself for a little while before they had to separate again for the sports festival.

They enjoyed each others company the entire time, it was their heaven I suppose. But before they knew it, it was the morning of the sports festival.

There were fireworks going off and reporters struggling to get in. People were chattering and exploring the souvenir/food booths made by students in the business course.

Some pros were doing security and others were anticipating the games and what was to come.

Everyone's eyes were on 1-a and their 'mysterious' assistant teachers. You would think the married couple would be nervous, but Alexis was just excited for her students, whom she treated as her own kids, and Saitama was pumped to find actual competition.

Saitama was actually expressing himself emotionally, scaring a couple of students honestly, but his childish behavior was normal for his wife and disciple, who was also excited.

Class 1-a have been sitting in their designated waiting room in their gym uniforms.

Some complained about wanting to wear their costumes, others were expressing how nervous they are, while Saitama was feeding his wife some chips he had bought from the vending machine.

Then Iida came barging in with a raised voice, "Everyone, get your game faces on, we're heading to the arena soon!"

Everyone reacted to the update their class rep gave and then Todoroki spoke up, surprisingly, "Midoriya." He called out with a hand in his pocket and an emotionless look.

Midoriya turned to Todoroki with confusion, "Yes, Todoroki? What's up?" He asked nervously, getting the class' attention suddenly.

"From an objective standpoint, I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you." Midoriya jumped at the sudden opinion, but deflated as he agreed with his statement.

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