Chapter Twenty-Four

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~ mistakes have been made ~

~ mistakes have been made ~

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Third Person POV

Saitama stood distraught in his place. Midoriya came running behind, "Whoa. Wh-What happened?" He stuttered, though Saitama just stared off emotionlessly, "Where's Kota?"

"He's with Aizawa, I ran into him. Where-"

"She's not here. She's gone."

There was an eerily still silence. Midoriya stiffened at the familiar feeling Saitama had given out. Especially when it came to his wife. Out of concern for Saitama, he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"They we're after Bakugo and Alexis. You have to tell Aizawa. And fast."

Before Midoriya could express his shock, or ask how he got the information, Saitama had seemed to have vanished in a blink of an eye. All traces of him standing before Midoriya had disappeared along with him. He had thought that Saitama went looking for his wife, or whoever had taken her.

Either way, Midoriya knew he had to follow his instructions. Midoriya ran back to the camp grounds but he ran into Aizawa and Kota again on the way. He rambled on and on and left quickly after his Sensei gave an order himself.

He arrived on the camp grounds out of breath, but he saw a villain about hurt Mandalay. Midoriya used his quirk and kicked him away from her. He let Mandalay know that Kota was safe, then he explained what Aizawa needed Mandalay to do.

Mandalay used her Telepath quirk to tell everyone in Class A and Class B that EraserHead granted them permission to engage in combat with the villains. She informed the students who their targets were.

They were told that Bakugo was the target.. and that Alexis had been successfully captured. This shocked them all. They're thoughts soon went to her very over protective husband.. Saitama.

~ with Saitama ~

Saitama was currently stood on the tallest mountain peak, overlooking the forested area. He had no idea where to find Alexis, but someone did.

Someone knows where they took Alexis.

The poisonous gas Saitama had noticed earlier soon dissipated quite quickly. He knew that the students in Class B were to thank for that since they were granted permission to use their quirks during combat. That also means there are less villains in that direction.

'If they're after Bakugo. Then the villains in charge will be coming after him specifically.' He thought with a hand to his chin. Saitama looked at the camp grounds, the remedial class were still in the building. They were probably being held there for their safety.

That's gonna piss off Genos.

An abrupt and deep roar got Saitama out of his thoughts. Explosions in one direction and a second roar in the other.

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