Chapter Twenty-Nine

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~ unwanted and not welcomed ~

~ unwanted and not welcomed ~

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Third Person POV

Saitama stood over what used to be All For One. He died by his hand. The people around gaped in horror. They've never seen a hero kill before. Yes, All For One was one of the worst villains the world has ever known, but death wasn't a thought that crossed anyones mind. Saitama's stood straight from his defensive stance, his fist covered in the villains remains and blood.

The cops and civilians stepped away from Saitama out of fear as he turned to them. He looked at a horrified All Might, "Which hospital." All Might was at a loss for words, "Uh.. I-I.." He stammered, only irritating Saitama further.

Closing his eyes in annoyance, Saitama scoffed and walked passed the gawking civilians, them moving out of his way. They saw a darker side of Saitama that night, and it scared the hell out of all of them.

~ with Alexis ~

Having just been on the news as a powerful ally to All Might, Alexis instantly grew famous. Though, her debut came at a sucky time. Her injuries were beyond severe, and since she became known worldwide as a powerful heroine, the best doctors in the world immediately came over to help the mysterious hero in need.

Alexis was laid out on a hospital bed as doctors and experts swarmed all over her, each trying to find a way to keep the brunette alive.

Genos and the rest of their 'friends' from their universe sat anxiously in the waiting room. Genos nearly overheated when he saw the fight between All For One and Alexis. He had no idea where they were located, rendering him unable to find Alexis when she needed him. With all the commotion, Genos was slowly starting to worry about his master. The news camera cut out when All Might finished off All For One, and no one reported what happened with the alien spaceship, only that it vanished from the sky.

His leg bounced nervously as he heard squabbling doctors fret over Alexis' wounds. When they rolled her in the hospital, Genos saw the gaping and bloodied holes littering all over her body. It was the most violent and gory thing Genos had seen. The doctors were astonished Alexis was still alive after receiving these horrid injuries, but they went to work to keep her that way nonetheless.

It scared him to no end to even think Alexis wouldn't make it, but part of his fear was for the world they resided in. If Alexis died, Genos knew that Saitama wouldn't hold back anymore. He'd have nothing to lose if he did.

Alexis was his humanity. Without her, Saitama would return to that emotionless shell he was afraid of becoming once more.

What confused Genos was that All For One was able to draw blood from Alexis, he was able to penetrate her skin and do some actual physical damage. No matter what monster he and Saitama faced, he had never seen his master bleed. So if they possessed the same power, how did Alexis get that badly injured?

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