Chapter Nineteen

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~ hero killer ~

~ hero killer ~

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Alexis POV

After the Sports Festival, Saitama and I were granted permission to be away from class for a bit. We were tourists here, after all. And we wanted to explore the different universe.

I may have been a little homesick after the Sports Festival, but this universe ain't that bad. It's different, but not terrible.

Saitama and I haven't been signed to a hero agency yet, but there have been requests, surprisingly. I truly didn't think anybody would be interested in us after dropping out of the competition.

But we haven't officially gone through the requests and chose an agency to work with yet.

Now, we were simply walking through Hosu City, Saitama wanted to see if the shrimp here we're better than the store near UA.

Saitama pointed out that it was getting a bit dark, so we started to walk back to the train station after we've gotten some souvenirs and groceries for dinner tonight.

And as we were walking, Saitama abruptly stuck his arm out in front of me, stopping me from continuing any further. I was confused until something or someone in a bright yellow suit came crashing down with a big blue monstrous-looking thing with brains showing and severely large eyes.

I raised my eyebrows, then I looked at my husband who already had his eyes on me, "You okay, Lex?" I nodded my head reassuringly and held his hand tighter, "I'm fine Sai. Is that guy okay?"

We heard groans as the rubble from the broken sidewalk shifted. The blue monster thing stood straight up and it just looked at us nonchalantly.

"This place just gets weirder and weirder." When I didn't hear Sai's reply, I looked over to him and he seemed to be in deep thought with his bros furrowed and eyes squinted as the monster leans over to get a better look of us.

But before Sai and I could do anything, the small person in the yellow suit jumped up and punched it down, scaring the life out of my as I jumped at the loud noise, "Bring it on, ugly!!"

"Run you two! I can't him back for long!" The old small person grunted as he fought the monster thing. "Should we help him?" I asked Sai.

He seemed to have been snapped out of his trance once he looked over to me, he just shrugged, "He seems to have if handled." I rolled my eye and gave him the 'are you serious' look.

He smiled before ruffling my hair, "I'm kidding, Lex. I'd never let an old guy show off in front of my wife." I playfully nudged his shoulder, "You're a dork."

"Yes. Yes I am." He responded as he turned towards the old guy. Sai started to follow the old guys' movements as he shot through air back and forth.

Once the man was far enough from the monster thing, Sai punched it and with one blow, the monster thing exploded into tiny pieces, Saitama's hand giving off smoke as a result. It's guts went flying and falling all around us.

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