Chapter Thirty-Four

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~ All that was revealed in Trost ~

~ All that was revealed in Trost ~

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Third Person POV

Alexis was tucking in her children for bed while their father was securing the perimeter of their home. He made sure to do the nightly checks himself along with Genos, wanting to ensure the safety of his children and wife himself, trusting Genos the most with the task as well.

"Momma?" Her eldest son called for her tiredly, "Yes?" She asked while stroking his hair lovingly. "When will we be able to go home? To our own universe?" He asked timidly. Alexis stilled at the question, " I-I'm not sure my love, soon." She tried to assure. Her children have always asked questions about their parents' universe and the wonders it carried. Saitama would tell them stories of his own adventures, making their want to go there only grow. But it still felt like a prolonged wait was being enforced on their path home.

Alexis kissed the crown of her sons' head, "Get some sleep. You have training tomorrow with your dad." She informed, causing a content-filled expression to envelop her son's face. "Can't wait." He said, drifting off to sleep peacefully. Alexis smiled contently at the sight of her three children.

Emery (Esme), Lucien (Luke), and Oliver (Oli).

Walking out of her children's room, Alexis didn't want to leave them. But she also knew that they needed supplies from Trost. So she grabbed a cloak to hide over an all black bodysuit and some black timberland boots. Tying her hair back after writing a note dedicated for her husband to read, Alexis left the safe house and headed for the still-breached wall of Shiganshina.

time skip

After dodging the tall and short titans in and outside the walls, Alexis made it through Shiganshina and into Trost. The bustling little city was vibrant to say the least despite the setting sun.

People everywhere offering some sort of merchandise throughout the market.

Alexis tried getting as much as she could with the little currency she had. She got extra clothing, basic supplies, some blacksmith and carpenter tools and supplies, as well as some books so she could somehow educate her children. Everything was fine. It was peaceful.

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