Chapter Twelve

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~ grocery shopping ~

~ grocery shopping ~

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Third Person POV

It was a bright day during the mid-afternoon as Saitama and Alexis were finishing their weekly grocery shopping at the register.

But while Alexis was trying to get the money from her pocket, since Sai's suit didn't have pockets, the lights began to flicker on and off repeatedly.

Just as Alexis was about to get the correct amount of money our, she dropped a cent or two,

"Dang it," She mumbled with annoyance.

Lexi and Sai were picking up the change on the floor when very heavy footsteps where heard down the block, to which the couple was oblivious to.

"There's one by your boot, Sai."

"Got it, Lex."

Then they stood up to no one being in the store besides the two of them, and the lights shut off.

"Huh? Where did everyone go?" Sai asked. Alexis shrugged just as confused as he was but place the money on the counter for the lady once she returned.

All of a sudden, a massive foot crashes down and destroys the front half of the grocery store.

"Aw.. this was my favorite store." Alexis said sadly.

Saitama looked at his saddened wife and tightened his fist, but made sure he seemed no different. "Yeah, it reminded me of the one back home." He agreed with his usual monotone voice.

He sighed as he turned to his wife who only held her hand up with a smile, "It's okay Sai, I get it. Go."

Saitama smiled, "Actually, you can take this one. It'll be like practice for the Sports Festival. Plus, you have to start learning how to fight with this 'power'." He said with air quotes.

Alexis beamed brightly, "Really?!" Her husband smiled at the excitement she expressed with her eyes. "Yes, really."

Alexis squealed and she ripped her clothes revealing her hero suit underneath locked and loaded. But then she frowned, "I kinda liked that shirt."

Her frown was soon replaced with a serious look that scared Saitama a bit, "I'll be back." She said with a terrible Terminator impression.

She turned around and her smile returned as she made her way out of the rubble the giant caused.

Saitama was left in the destruction of the store and sighed heavily, "She'll be fine." He attempted to reassure himself.

He bent down and grabbed the groceries off the floor and made his way back home to the dormitory, "I should get noodles ready for when Lex gets back," He thought out loud to himself.

There were reporters and fallen pro-hero's all around said wife, who looked up to see the cause of all this chaos and mass destruction,"Whoa," Alexis whispered as she saw the giant walking around.

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