Chapter Ten

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~ Repercussion ~

~ Repercussion ~

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Alexis POV

I yawn as I groggily rub my eyes in a sleepy manner, the sun blinding my eyes forcing me to squint.

I'm in my husbands arms, that much I could tell. But we're outside. I thought we were in the USJ?

I look up at my husband. I kind of flinch because I see his 'ultra' serious face. Now I'm a bit confused and nervous.

'What happened?'

We kept walking down the street, away from the USJ. I look behind Sai and see Genos following behind, holding his own arm that is no longer attached to his body.

He seems kind of frightened as well. So something definitely happened while I was out.. but what?

I began to worry, he hasn't glanced at me or acknowledged me being awake at all.

I nuzzled into his chest, but got no reaction. I glanced over to Genos again and he made eye contact with me this time, but he immediately looked towards the floor.

Now I'm really nervous. Who got Sai mad? And what the heck did they do?

I just continued leaning into Saitama as he and Genos walked in silence.

We would get occasional glances and stares but people were too focused on something behind us. I'm guessing it has something to do with the USJ.

Soon after that, I recognized the arch with the letters 'UA' in bold. Then I saw the dormitory we currently reside in for the time being.

My husband was still silent with his really serious glare still present on his face.

Genos went to his room beside us, not daring to speak to his once calm master, terrified of the unknown outcome of that interaction.

Saitama simply walked into our room, the door closing shortly after. He lowered me to the bed gently. I sat up as Sai just stood in front of me.

I opened my mouth to finally speak after a super tense silence, "Sai.. What happened-"

I was interrupted by Sai visibly calming down as he stepped over to me and caressed my cheek with his gloved hand. He let out an exasperated sigh as he rested his forehead against mine.

"I'm so glad you're okay Alexis." He muttered.

'Alexis?.. must've been really serious then.."

He closed his eyes as he pressed a shaky kiss on my forehead. Saitama pulled back a bit, staring into my worry filled eyes, "S-Sai? I don't-"

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