Chapter Thirty

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~ consequences and unexpected news ~

~ consequences and unexpected news ~

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Third Person POV

"Wha—? How did.. they survive?" Alexis asked, she was sure enough she was on the brink of death, so how did her unborn baby survive All For One's attack? The doctor adjusted his glasses as he looked over the chart,

"Yes, any another pregnant woman would've had a miscarriage after the state you were in. But we assume it's because your power had subconsciously protected the baby rather than yourself during the attack." Alexis put her arms around her belly, a ghost of a smile on her face,

"Have you felt at all weakened these past weeks?" The doctor asked in turn, ready to write down her answer. Alexis thought it over before looking up towards the doctor, "Um, yes, actually. You think it's because my powers have been depleting?" She asked worriedly. "No, no. Your powers aren't 'depleting', they're just being rerouted for the time being. I assure you, you'll be back at your full strength after the baby's birth." He answered truthfully.

Soon after Alexis was given the news, there was a gust of strong wind, which signaled to Alexis that Saitama was now in the room. It slightly startled all of the nurses and doctors in the room, but Alexis only smiled at the sight of her husband. "Hi hon-!" Saitama abruptly and swiftly wrapped his arms around his wife, "You're okay, you're okay." He muttered, more to himself than to her.

The doctor smiled,"Oh? Are you her father, sir?"

Alexis tried to suppress her small fit of giggles as Saitama pulled away from his wife and took visible offense to the doctor's question, "No? How old do you think I am?" He asked with a look of disbelief. The doctor merely shrugged, "I just assumed by the lack of hair."

Before Saitama could comment once more, Alexis calmed her snickering fest with a contented sigh, "He's my husband, doctor." She clarified for him, causing realization to harshly fall on the poor doctor. "O-Oh.. I-I.." He didn't even try to defend himself as he just left the room along with the other medical staff, leaving the married couple alone.

"Weird.. So, what—" Before Alexis could finish, Saitama had already engulfed her in his arms again, pressing her closer to his chest, his face nuzzling into her soft brown hair before laying a kiss on the crown of her head. "Saitama, I'm fine." She tried to assure, rubbing his arm comfortingly.

But then suddenly, he moved his arm under the back of her knees and lifted her off the hospital bed, "Sai?! What are you doing??" She asked as she instinctively wrapped her hands around the back of her husband's neck. Saitama lowly whispered in her ear, "We have to go, hon." His breath tickled her ear, but she looked up towards him with a mix of worry and confusion, "Why?"

"We are no longer welcomed in this universe." He answered vaguely and coldly. "Okay, fine, but.. I need to change out of this hospital gown.." Alexis protested with embarrassment in her blushing face. Saitama didn't realize the lack of clothing until Alexis mentioned and he laid her back down on the hospital bed, "Right.. sorry, take your time."

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