Chapter Eighteen

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~ sports festival finale ~
[[ Pomeranian vs. Caped Baldy ]]

 Caped Baldy ]]

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Katsuki POV

'Damn. Maybe there is a higher power, because I have prayed for this day. The day I can finally prove myself against the baldy jackass.'

I kept my same pissed off glance as I looked over at the boring baldy across from me. His expressionless face just pissed me off more.

I grunted once I noticed his hands were tied behind his back. Then I look down to see his feet tied as well, 'What the hell?! How the fuck is he even gonna move?!'

Third Person POV

The crowd 'ooh'd' and 'awe'd' at the sight of Saitama's handicaps. Seeing how Katsuki battled Uraraka, everyone began to wonder who would win this seemingly impossible battle.

Katsuki then ran towards Saitama, jumping at the last minute, and swinging his exploding fist towards Saitama.

But all Katsuki came into contact with was the arena floor. He gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes towards Saitama who was now directly behind the explosive student.

Katsuki snarled towards Saitama and swung another fist of explosions towards the assistant teacher. Only to hit nothing but air. Saitama was swiftly beside the Pomeranian now.

The explosive student soon had an idea and smirked menacingly towards Saitama.

He cleared his throat and smiled, "Y'know.. I still can't stand you and your bitch of a wife, you both  are super annoying and way weaker compared-"

Katsuki surrounded his foot mid sentence and attempted to strike the assistant teacher. But his sentence was cut off by Saitama grabbing his shin, a shocked expression now took over his features.

How could he? Saitama may not have particularly liked the Pomeranian, but bringing Alexis into this? Alexis herself had thought they formed a friendship, but she's wondering if she thought wrong.

The crowd gasped simultaneously. Saitama's hands were no longer tied, and his feet were no longer bound to one another.

The entire stadium went silent.

Katsuki took note of Saitama's behavior and smirked wider at the nerve he had just hit and decided to push it further, "That's right! You're wife is totally and utterly annoying! I've always wondered what the hell you ever saw in that bitch!"

*sniff sniff*

Saitama's head jerked towards the stands where the noise had originated, and zoomed in on his wife.

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