Chapter Twenty-Three

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~ precious jewels ~

~ precious jewels ~

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Third Person POV

Saitama was all around confused. He had no idea who these villains were or what they were here for. They weren't the same dumb thugs from the USJ, they were better trained and somewhat smarter.

'Alexis is nowhere near here. She should be safer if these villains are after her to. Right?' He thought to himself while keeping an eye on the villains in front of him. Saitama tugged his glove further down his forearm when he suddenly felt a weird familiar sensation at the back of his neck, 'I really need to find out what that feeling is and what the heck it means.'

~ with Kota and Alexis ~

'Wh-Who is this guy?! A v-villain?! A-And he's after Mrs. Alexis?! Why?!' Thoughts ran through the child's head frantically as he continued to look at Alexis before glancing at the villain in front of him.

Muscular had already begun to reel his tightened fist back, aiming to hit Kota with a wide grin across his face. He proudly swung his arm down towards Kota. His loud, ear-piercing battle cry echoed as his fist came closer to the smaller child, causing Kota to close his eyes tightly on instinct as he tried to prepare himself for the impact. But it never came.

Kota slowly opened his eyes out of fear, and his eyes widened as he saw Alexis standing in front of him protectively, her back towards him so he couldn't see if the scary villain had successfully hurt her or not.

All Kota knew, was that this woman he had gotten to know had protected him when she could've left him to die. Especially since the monstrous villain was after her. 

The villain, Muscular, held a triumphant grin that had slowly faded as his eyes saw this tiny girl, who seemed overall weak, holding his giant fist in her little palm. She blocked his punch with her hand and Muscular was not happy that this girl was seriously trying to defy him.

His shocked expression turned into a scowl, but Alexis held her head low, her hair casting a shadow over her face.

"You want to take me on little girl!? Fine! I won't hold back!"

Alexis almost felt bad for the idiotic brute as he came charging for her once again. He bellowed out a second battle cry, aiming his fist for Alexis with his full weight dedicated to hurting her. And as his fist seemed to get closer to her face, she simply moved her head to the side, causing Muscular to miss completely and horribly.

His once fearsome battle cry turned into a cry of distress as he fell over the cliff and went tumbling down the rocky hill.

Alexis peered over the side and couldn't see Muscular, granted it was a bit too dark. But nevertheless, she walked over to Kota and checked on his health. After she was sure the kid was okay, she went to stand up but Kota threw his hands around Alexis' neck and pulled her into a hug.

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