Chapter Five

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~ Katsuki! Language! ~

~ Katsuki! Language! ~

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Alexis POV

||The Next Morning||

I woke up in my Sai's arms the next morning. I was about to pull away to get ready for the day but my husband had different plans.

"No." Was all he had groaned as Saitama tightened his grip around my waist lightly and pulled me closer to his bare chest. I blushed at the gesture as I snuggled into him, not wanting to ever leave his arms. But I knew I would eventually have to.

"We have to get ready Sai, it's our first official day to help-" I was cut off by him rolling over, now on top of me nuzzling in between my breasts, "Five more minutes.."

I giggled while I wrapped my arms around his head, pulling him deeper into me, accepting his offer.

Sai raised his head with a small smile as his lazy eyes met mine. He leaned closer to me and kissed my lips gently. Then that gentle kiss turned to hunger and passion as I laid my hand on his neck.

"Master are you-"

Then our moment was then interrupted by Genos barging in our room. Once he realized what he walked into, he immediately blushed and covered his eyes with a hand, "I- I'm so sorry Master!"

Sai just groaned once more before putting his face back between my breasts again, "It's fine Genos," his voice muffled.

I just giggled at my husbands antics as I somehow managed to get up. Once Genos saw I was just in a shirt he blushed again and quickly left the room, giving us time to get dressed.

;;Time skip;;

Katsuki POV
(bet you didn't see that coming)

Me and the rest of the extras were sitting in class 1-a, ready for the 'hero basic training course.'

I'm still pissed that bald guy actually made me feel intimidated for once in my life. No hero, or villain for that matter, has ever made me feel fear like he has.

I was staring to wonder if he was actually as strong as he says he is..

'Nah I doubt that a 'One Punch' quirk actually exists. Saitama is probably just all talk.'

That robot though, Genos?

He's been pissing me off since he got here. Just the way he thinks he's number one already just because of the score board from yesterday's assessment.

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