Chapter Twenty-Eight

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~ who told him he could actually win this fight? ~

small disclaimer: majority of this chapter will not incorporate moments from the anime itself

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small disclaimer: majority of this chapter will not incorporate moments from the anime itself. most of the following chapter will be coming from me and my brain. so don't be alarmed when a moment from the anime isn't in this fight scene.  ;)

- enjoy <3

Third Person POV

"Whoa! I've never been in a spaceship before!" Saitama exclaimed as he wandered throughout the ginormous spacecraft like a kid in a candy store. But the stopped running mindlessly and tried to regain his composure, "Focus Saitama! You're here to stop aliens from invading earth, the same earth your wife lives in at the moment." He reminded himself, and his determination had been reignited.

However, Saitama approached the end of the hallway, where the path split off into three different directions, "Oh... oh no." He deadpanned, knowing good-n-well that he'll soon get lost.

~ back on the ground ~

The atmosphere overall was intense as All Might glared at his arch nemesis, All For One.

Alexis was stood beside All Might in a defensive stance. Though she hid it well, Alexis was nervous, this was her first real fight with someone who wasn't a mindless monster. She was facing an incredibly intelligent supervillain with little experience of fighting at all. Despite that fact, her demeanor to those around her was a woman with immense confidence and evident power.

"Wait until I give the go ahead, Alexis." He ordered, not truly knowing of her or Saitama's true strength. "I understand your capable, but I wouldn't want you to get hurt." He defended with his glare not leaving All For One.

"Idiot.." Gran Torino grumbled with an exasperated sigh, causing All Might to turn to his mentor with a grunt, "I've seen her, shes more than capable. She may be even stronger than—" Before Gran Torino could finish, the distracted All Might was thrusted back by a strong force. Alexis looked at All For One in shock, his arm outstretched and palm facing them with an unamused feeling as if he had done something completely useless with his time.

"You shouldn't have taken your eyes off of me. I do enjoy having the spotlight to myself." He mused, retracting his arm. Despite not seeing it, Alexis could've sworn that the villain mastermind was smirking, "I could potentially do something dangerous." All For One added with a subtle threat aimed at Alexis. She wanted to go after All Might to see if he was okay, but she couldn't leave Gran Torino in danger of getting hurt as well.

Even with her thoughts going rampant and her heart beating fast, Alexis remained silent. She was worried he would see her scared and take advantage of that. "No words from our mysterious Alexis?" Instead, she stood in front of Gran Torino, "You need to get yourself and any nearby civilians away from this area." Alexis ordered without looking at the veteran pro hero. Gran Torino seemed taken aback by her less-than-sweet tone of voice but nodded with determination and took off.

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