Chapter Seven

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~ The Incident ~
{{Part One}}

~ The Incident ~{{Part One}}

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Saitama POV

Anger. That's all I felt.

I haven't felt this certain emotion in a long time. Or any emotion for that matter. Nothing could ever spark a genuine emotion from my bored heart.

No fight produced a competitive feeling. Nothing generated that fear of losing. Or losing something personal, because I've never felt that need to protect.

I soon believed I would end up emotionless, like in those anime's. A heartless shell of no emotion.

Alexis proved me wrong.

She gave me the undeserving gift of her love. Nothing I ever did could create the emotion of actual love and happiness.

But she could.

And they were gonna try to lock her away, to use her. They were gonna try to use her gifts she worked so endlessly to earn.

My fist tightened. My heart pounded. The internal flicker of emotion flared up inside of me.

"We've come to collect."

"And we will get what we came for."

My ultra serious face took over my usually bland and bored expression as anger soon consumed me.

"Oh I highly doubt that."

~ Earlier that Morning ~

Alexis POV

I was already awake that morning, getting ready for another day to assist Aizawa in class as I heard Sai shout,


I quickly made my way to Sai, then I saw Genos outside the closed door of our bedroom, "Did you hear Master yell hysterically as well Alexis-San?"

I was about to answer when Saitama opened the door yawning as he rubbed his eye with his hand.

"What are you guys whispering about?"

I giggled as I stood on my tiptoes and wrapped by arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug, "We heard you yelling and we were worried."

He smiled softly as he hugged me back, "Nah, there's nothing to worry about, just a weird dream."

As I began to make breakfast, we heard the front door of the dormitory be knocked on.

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