Chapter Four

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~ No Effect?! ~

~ No Effect?! ~

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Saitama POV

The nice people we asked to give us directions actually took time out of their day to lead us to UA.

I just hope none of the staff notices we've left campus. Getting scolded was not on my schedule tomorrow.

While we were walking around earlier, unknowingly lost, I found a market nearby. It seemed like a good place to get groceries for dinner.

We continued following the three kind strangers as I held Alexis' hand. She looked at the ground in thought as she bit her lip. A cutesy habit she picked up while thinking deeply.

'I'm going to always wonder why she ever agreed to marry me. Not that I think I'm bad or anything, Alexis is just way out of my league.'

"You okay Sai?" I'm snapped out my thoughts when I hear my wife's gentle voice. I look down and see her tilting her head in a curious way.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, sorry. I'm fine, just thinking." She raised a brow, "About what?"

I simply shrugged, "Nothing serious darling."

Alexis' blush was evident as she averted her gaze back to the sidewalk under her feet while we kept walking.

I simply smiled at the adorable scene before I saw Dobby looking over his shoulder towards Lexi. That's when I got a bit protective and glared at him, he noticed me staring and looked forward nonchalantly with a 'tch.'

Alexis looked up at me, noticing my behavior and squeezed my hand comfortingly.

It calmed me down quite a bit. So I just looked around at the nearby shops. Some seemed familiar which meant we were getting closer to UA.

'Good. I've been getting quite hungry for Lexi's famous Udon Noodles.'

My stomach growled at the thought, Alexis heard and giggled adorably.

Genos POV

I noticed that I had no data on the hero's and villains of this universe. So throughout this walk I've been trying to gain access to UA's database to find the list of hero's and villains on file.

It's proven to be a much more difficult task than originally anticipated.

I momentarily lost focus when I noticed the raven haired man with scars, who told us his name was Dabi, staring at Mistress Alexis quite lustfully.

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