Chapter Thirty-Seven

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— You really are a hero, Saitama. —

Lucien POV

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Lucien POV

Goodness. Who decided the sun could be this bright this early in the freaking morning?

Pulling out my book, I sat with my siblings on the sidelines while the others trained. Emmy was getting restless, itching to battle our new allies. Oli, on the other hand, was lying on his back, blabbing about the various shapes he saw in the clouds happily.

"Quit that." I reprimanded Emmy as she kept biting her nails, blood being drawn. She groaned, "I can't help it! I need to exert some energy, I need to stay in shape for the big fight!" Emmy defended childishly, despite the fact that we were in fact children.

My eyes did not leaving the book as I said, "Do you even know what the fight is about? Why Momma and the Old Man are so dead-set on us staying out of it?" I questioned, and based on her silence, I got my answer.

Noting her sheepish silence, I sighed, closing my book and turning to face my beloved sister, "Why don't we play villains and heroes, okay?"

At the mention of the game we made up a while ago, Emmy perked up, her smile returned. "Yeah! I call being the hero!" She instantly shouted, her hand shooting towards the sky.

Oli raised from his dead-like slumber with a wide grin, "Me too!" He shouted in response.

I sighed, "Which makes me the villain.. great." I deadpanned sullenly.


Third Person POV

While the children ran off to play, the soldiers were standing before Erwin and Aizawa, who were explaining the many strategies of their attacks in front of the map/layout of the Wall Rose district.

It had been a couple of months since training began, and they were finally smoothing out the finishing touches on their master plan to retake Wall Maria.

The plan overall was the literal brain child of Levi and Aizawa, (with a bit of All Might's experience, a dash of Saitama's irrationality, and a pinch of Endeavors ruthlessness, and whole of lot of Erwin oversight) both men knowing their soldier's strength and weaknesses the absolute best.

Standing near the back, Reiner and Bertholdt glanced wearily at one another before stealing a glance towards Annie. This wasn't supposed to happen. They weren't supposed to be here. It was screwing with their plan royally.

What they were going to do about it? They didn't know themselves at first. This was unprecedented. Unforeseen. Thankfully, Zeke had an idea to counteract their plan a bit..

"Hey, Captain Levi, how come we never got to spar with Saitama or Alexis?" Reiner questioned Levi from the sidelines. The man narrowed his eyes at the sudden question, "Why does that suddenly matter now?" He rebutted.

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