This is It

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Fear, "an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat."


A fear isn't something that you can easily escape from. It's something that will follow you for the rest of your life, and there is nothing you can do about it. Sure you can talk to a therapist and trick yourself into thinking that you are no longer afraid, however that's all it will ever be, ua trick. You will be certain that it's gone, you are 100% sure that you have moved on from your silly fear, but there will always be that slight panic attack that will wash over you when you finally face that fear. It'll put you to the test, to see if you're as mentally strong as you picture yourself to be.

The main fear that plagued Chloe's mind, was death. She wished for the darkness to claim her every night she shut her eyes, but found herself sighing in relief every morning she opened her eyes. Chloe was ready for death, that was for certain, however at the same time she wasn't ready, mentally. Chloe would stress herself for hours wondering about death.

Where will she go? How will it be? Is the special land called 'Heaven' real? People say that after you move on from this life you will enter the pearly gates, if your lucky, and be greeted with peacefulness. But is that all true? Some talk about their trips to the mother land, however do they speak the truth, or are they just looking for their five minutes of fame? No one knows and that's what bugs Chloe, that is what keeps Chloe from truly accepting the after life. That and her brothers, of course. Laurent and Larry are another big part of Chloe's inner struggle to keep living, she knows that her giving up will crush them. Chloe just hopes she can hang on long enough to see their faces again.

"Wake yo ass up Chloe!" Ice cold water being thrown over Chloe's weak body causes her to wake with a jolt. With wide eyes she scans the room quickly before clashing with Rider's dead brown eyes, dead brown eyes that mirror her own.

Rider steps closer to Chloe suddenly, a smirk forming on his scarred face when he sees Chloe flinch back, fear seeping into her eyes. "Awe don't flinch away baby, that won't help you any." Rider chuckles darkly when Chloe whimpers softly before curling into a ball. Rolling his eyes Rider reaches down and yanks Chloe up forcefully by her hair, a shiver of pleasure runs down his spine hearing Chloe yelp in surprise and pain. With a chunk of curls in his grasp Rider drags Chloe out of her room, cackling when she starts to make an attempt to escape by kicking and punching wildly. Which was a fail since she is too weak to even walk by herself, Chloe hasn't been fed anything edible since she was taken from the carnival, and even then she threw everything up. Now Chloe's ribs were more then noticeable, her hip bones stuck out, and the muscle she once had from dancing was gone. Leaving her skin and bones, literally. To Rider it was a plus, now he doesn't have to worry about Chloe escaping, because she won't even be able to make it down the stairs without her knees buckling causing her to collapse. Rider knows this for a fact because it's happened before, twice actually, all ending the same way. Chloe falling down a flight of stairs before passing out from malnutrition.

"Someone's here to see you baby girl." Rider smirks to himself secretly as he finished strapping Chloe down to a chair in the middle of his 'torture room'. Which is basically just an empty room with a chair in the middle, as well as a chest filled with devices specially made to tear a person apart slowly and painfully.

Who wanted to see her? Would it be another one of Rider's homeboys looking for a quick fuck, and willing to pay Rider's fee in order to use Chloe? It has happened before so Chloe wouldn't be surprised. Suddenly a thought comes to Chloe's mind and she tenses up, could it be Laurent and Larry? Had Rider captured them like he promised he would? Did Laurent and Larry give themselves up in some idiotic trade? Different scenarios kept popping into Chloe's head making her chest tighten in worry and fear, the erratic beating of Chloe's heart caused her little mistreated body to shake violently.

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