A first time for everything.

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I am by far the worst morning person ever. You try to wake me up and you're facing the possibility of getting cut. Like just don't try it, ever. I'll kill you.

I say this because I am about 0.1 seconds away from murdering whoever is shaking me. "Chloe wake up, we go out." of course it would be Laurent. My blanket of warmth is ripped from my body sending a chill up my spine, why is the temperature set to freeze your ass off? I curl into a ball making Lau groan in frustration, ha ha. "Little one get up, or else." that was my first warning but me being the stubborn idiot I am my ability to listen was non-existent. "Vous allez regretter de faire ce petit." (You're going to regret doing this little one.) I let out a very un-lady like snort at Laurent's threat, which is of course probably an empty one. Thinking he wouldn't do anything I peeked at him from under my pillow, "Vos menaces sont vides Laurent, vous ne faites rien. Laissez-moi dormer." (Your threats are empty Laurent, you won't do anything. Let me sleep.) Hearing this he just nods his head slowly before smirking and walking out of the room. Finally.

It happened before I even process what was going on. Out of no where the door bursts open before Larry and Laurent come sprinting in with their hands up...they wouldn't dare.

"Monstre de chatouillement!" (tickle monster!)

Pouncing on the bed they lunge towards me, making me pop up and throw myself off the bed trying to get off this soon to be death trap, but alas my attempts were cut short when someone grabbed my ankle and hauled me back onto the bed. Hands were attacking me from every angle, every time I would roll away from one set of hands another would always be waiting to poke and prod my stomach. My oxygen level was quickly decreasing and it was getting harder and harder to breathe due to the endless assault of tickles.

"U-uncle uncle!" throwing my hands up I take big gulps of air when Larry and Laurent cease their actions.

Lau and Larry look at each other in confusion, "Why you say uncle? We not you uncle."

A wave of laughter makes it's way up my throat making the boys look at me like I just went off the deep end. "No you weirdos, when someone says uncle in a situation like that it means they give up." Realization comes to their face before they nod their heads in understanding.

"Chloe get ready, we go out."

Sliding off the bed I salute the Twins before walking to my duffle bag; grabbing my grey sweatpants, an old red aeropostale shirt, and my under wear stuff. I walk into the bathroom set my clothes on the counter, making sure to lock the door behind me. Once the water was warm enough for me I step under the soothing jets letting my muscles relax.

Larry's pov ~

Me and my brother were sitting around in our room watching TV waiting for Chloe to get out of the shower so we can go. We want to take her out to go shopping, not only for us but also for her. I've noticed that she doesn't have may clothes and the ones she does have are old and torn up. So Lau and I want to take her out and buy her clothes, shoes, you name it.

She's our sister now and we're going to take care of her.

"Man Larry elle prend plus de temps que vous êtes prêt." (Man Larry she takes longer than you to get ready.) I raise my eyebrow at my brother making him laugh, rolling my eyes I hear something coming from inside the bathroom. Swinging my hand back it connects with Lau's chest causing him to look at me with wide eyes. "Niggah wh- OW!"

"Souhaitez-vous taire et écouter Laurent!" (Would you shut up and listen Laurent!)

Finally he stops talking and listens. It almost sounds like singing. We both get up and slowly creep over to the door straining our ears so we could hear better.

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