Little family.

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Walking back to Larry and Laurent's hotel was like a dream. I couldn't tell if this was real or not, maybe I was still sleeping under that little bridge. So the whole way I was pinching myself over and over to confirm that this wasn't a dream.

"Hey I never ask this, but how old you are and what you name?"

"My name is Chloe and I'm 14 years old." I look up at Lau to see him looking down at me with his eyes wide like he stepped on a Lego or something. "That to young for you be homeless and poor." Larry says while shaking his head, I know he feels sorry for me but I will not take people's pity. Not even theirs. Stopping in my tracks I look up at the both of them and take a deep breath, "Look I know that I'm to young to be homeless and poor. I know I have a bad mom that never took care of me, I know that my life is screwed up. But I'm okay guys I turned out fine. I don't like pity so please don't give me yours." After my little rant the only thing I got out of them was them smiling at me and kneeling to give me a hug. "I like you Chloe, vous êtes fort bien que votre vie a été rude." (you're strong even though your life has been rough.)

"Thank you Larry. But can we start walking now, it's starting to get cold again." he smiles before him and his brother stand, turn around and start walking with me right behind them.


Entering their hotel suit my mouth hits the floor. This place is HUGE, everything looks like it cost thousands of dollars. Even the door knobs look like they cost a couple hundred, I don't touch anything at first scared that my clumsy self will break something. "You guys' hotel room is AWESOME!" My level of excitement was through the roof right now, I've never seen a hotel room this big in my entire life. The guys just laugh at me with amusement shining bright in their eyes, "Thank Monster, she pay for this. We on tour with her so we stay nice places."

Again in the span of no more than 5 minutes my jaw is touching the floor again, they are on tour..with Beyoncé! I had totally forgotten that they were on tour with her, wait so how am I going to be with them if they are busy all the time? A small frown forms on my face causing the Twins to look at me with confused faces, "Why you frown little one?" Not wanting to trouble them I just smile and shake my head.

"Wait, if you guys are on tour then shouldn't you be rehearsing for the show?" again I forgot they had a concert tonight, for all of you that wonder how I know about them and their concert schedule, I go to the Library to use their computers.  "We no practice day of show, makes show boring." I nod my head in understanding. Looking at the clock I see that it's barely 2 o'clock in the afternoon, what are we going to do for 7 hours?

"What shall we do for seven hours until your concert?" that is when an idea so great came to mind that I sprinted to my duffle bag by the door, pulling out my IPod and speakers and ran back to the living room. As soon as I re-entered their eyes brightened in excitement when they zoned in on the items in my arms, "Oh yes, I like her already brother." Larry and Laurent did their endless handshake before walking towards me and hooking up my IPod to my speakers and handing my device to me. My eyes scroll through my songs before my finger clicks 'Rollup' by Flosstradamus (Baauer remix), as soon as the music started to flow through my speakers all three of us started to bob our heads to the beat.

Looking at Larry I could tell he was about to start dancing but I cut him off by walking in front of him pushing him back a little, which earns a friendly glare from Larry. Taking a deep breath I let the music wash over me and my mind to go blank, feeling the music as it came. When the bass pounded around us my inner gangster came out, moving my body on point with the beat causing both boys to yell causing me to throw my head back and shake my head of curls while smiling. After about a minute I stepped back and Lau wasn't afraid to jump right in, having Larry jump in at parts showing me their connection up close and personal. I can almost see their connection around them, it's like a blue haze through my eyes.

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