Bad Idea

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Larry's pov ~

Laurent and I were laughing at one of his corny jokes when we felt Chloe's presence disappear. Glancing back confusion takes over my face when I see Chloe staring down at her phone in fear, Lau taps my shoulder before giving me a 'what's wrong with her' look. Shrugging we are by Chloe's side with two strides thanks to our long legs, right when Laurent was going to take a look at her phone Chloe snaps it to her chest. He reals back in surprise raising an eyebrow, she gives a nervous smile before tucking the blue IPhone away in her backpack.

"Chloe what happen?"

"N-nothing, it was j-just a stupid hate comment."

Once the stutter met me and my twin's ears we gave her a blank stare, knowing that what she was trying to tell us was bullsh*t. Even though we've only known Chloe for a few months me and Laurent know her like the back of our ashy hands, she starts to stutter and refuses to make eye contact with you when she's fibbing, so her stuttering now means she is lying straight through her pearly whites. Why is Chloe lying to us again? This is the second time today that she has tried to lie to us, what's going on?

Bending down to Chloe's level I try to make eye contact, Chloe quickly looks away from me. "Larry I promise it was nothing, don't worry." Anger shoots through me filling my veins with what feels like molten lava, "Why you lie?! Chloe I know you and you lie right now...Little one what wrong?" Laurent pinching my side snaps me out of the blind rage that was taking over, not because of Chloe. This over whelming furry was because of her piece of sh*t brother, it didn't take a genius to figure it out that he is the one texting and calling her. But the thing that irritates me to no end is the fact that Chloe is lying right to Laurent and I's face, it hurts that she doesn't trust us enough to tell us. What could possible be so bad that Chloe has to lie straight to our faces, I want to know, and I want to know now.

My brother pulls me away from Chloe after telling her to stay put, once we were standing a few feet away did he turn his attention to me. "Bro you have to calm down, you shaking." Laurent puts a hand on my arm making a calming feeling spread throughout my body. "But she lie Lau, she lie to me and you faces!" Breathing heavily Lau gives me a pointed look making me step back, he sighs before glancing back at Chloe.

"She tell us when she ready brother." looking around us I can see people starting to stop and stare since we were basically causing a scene, rolling my eyes I let out a huff, nosy people. Not wanting them to eavesdrop I start to speak French to my brother.

"Mais si elle ne le fait pas Lau ?! Comment sommes-nous censés la protéger si elle ne nous dit même pas ce qui ne va pas ?!" (But what if she doesn't Lau?! How are we supposed to protect her if she doesn't even tell us what's wrong?!)

"Larry, je sais que vous êtes frustrés frère, croyez-moi frère, je suis trop. Mais nous devons être patient avec elle et vous savez que, juste calmer bro je peux sentir votre colère et ça me donne mal à la tête." (Larry I know you're frustrated brother, believe me brother I am too. But we have to be patient with her and you know that, just calm down bro I can feel your anger and it's giving me a headache.) Laurent rests his hands on top of my tensed up shoulders making me sigh, hanging my head in defeat. I hate it so much when Laurent is right about things, "Okay, fine bro." Lau hops a little and gives me his biggest smile before petting my head like I'm some type of dog, "Good boy."


Chloe's pov ~

Sitting outside on the balcony my mind was going a mile a minute, trying to think of a solution. Laurent and Larry had gone out to make an appearance at a local club here, so they won't be back for a few hours. They would never say it but I know they are beyond pissed at me, not only did I lie to their face but whenever they would start to ask questions my attitude would turn sour. It was the only way for them to drop the subject, my heart clenched painfully whenever I lied to them. As soon as Larry and Laurent walked out the door the endless stream of tears that was being held back let loose.

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