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Chloe's pov ~

"Bro I almost have it."

"Well hurry Larry you take forever!"

I snap out of my daze hearing the boys jiggling the lock to the bathroom. What time is it anyway? I'm not even sure how long I was staring at the wall like a crazy person, but I'm guessing for a long time because Larry is back and my face feels hard and sticky from crying so much. Getting up from my crouched position a groan leaves my lips due to how sore and stiff my body is from not moving in so long.

"Was that Chloe? Fuck move Larry!"

As soon as those words left his mouth there was a big thud before the bathroom door came crashing down onto the floor causing me to let out a shrill scream and hop onto the counter. Laurent comes racing into the bathroom and over to me checking to see if I was hurt in anyway, once his eyes meet my face he winces slightly telling me I in fact look like shit. Larry follows his brother slowly coming up to me looking at my face with a sad expression, "Why you cry Chloe?" Not trusting my voice at the moment I shake my head lowering it to look at my sock covered feet. A finger lifts up my chin forcing me to gaze into Laurent's dark chocolate eyes, "Chloe I know you lie. What is wrong?"

Diana's threat came floating through my head right at that moment making me stop any thoughts of actually telling them the truth. I have to keep these boys safe no matter what the cost. I paint on a sorry excuse for a smile and shake my head, "I'm fine Laurent, nothing's wrong I swear."

Laurent's pov ~

My shoulders sag at Chloe's reply to my question. I know she is lying straight to our faces but I can't seem to figure out what she could be lying about. She was fine all day until...

A light bulb shines bright inside my head. Did that Claire girl tell something to my little one last night before Larry went with her? That is the only thing that can be the problem here because she was fine all day until Claire came for Larry, now that I think about it her and Chloe took quiet a while at the front door before they walked into the room.

"Chloe why you lie to us? Something wrong, you were in here all night. You never left." I'm pulled out of my inner thoughts at my brother's question to Chloe. Looking over at her I can see the gears turning in her head trying to make up a good enough lie to tell us. What my brother says is also true, Chloe ran into the bathroom and didn't come out. I sat there for almost two hours banging and hollering trying to get her to come out of here. Seeing Chloe about to spill some more bullshit I cut her off with my own question. "Did Claire tell you something last night Little one?"

Almost instantly her whole body goes stiff and her gaze shoots downward staring at the floor. Having my answer anger starts to build up inside my body, how dare Larry's hoe tell something to my little one! Before I could even reply to Chloe, Larry speaks up sending me into shock. "No she no do something like that. Chloe's lying to us still." I look over at Larry to see him giving a little glare to Chloe making my hand collide with his shoulder. "Larry I would never-" Chloe's comment was cut off by Larry waving her off as if she was nothing. "No Chloe you lying, stop bullsh*t and tell truth." Her eyebrows crash down together while she stares at my brother, confusion written all over her face. "Larry I'm serious, I nev-"

"BULLSH*T, YOU LIE!!" my twin's voice booms causing Chloe to jerk away from him, fear slowly creeping into her eyes. The expression all over Chloe's face tells me what Larry just said hurt her bad, but she wasn't going to tell us it did.

"C'est quoi ce bordel Larry? Comment pouvez-vous prendre le parti de la houe sur Chloé?!" (What the fuck Larry? How can you take a hoe's side over Chloe's?!) Seeing Chloe's hurt face only fueled my fire and now my brother is going to have to take it all. Larry looks at me widening his eyes slightly when I raise my voice a little towards him, his stunned expression only lasts for a little while before a glare takes its place. "Comment savez-vous qu'elle n'est pas de nous mentir Laurent? Je sais que Claire et elle n'a pas voulu faire quelque chose comme cela, elle n'est pas comme ça." (How do you know she isn't lying to us Laurent? I know Claire and she wouldn't do something like this, she isn't like that.)

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