Cry Me a River

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Chloe's pov~

It felt like I got hit by a truck, no that's an understatement. It felt like I had drank a whole bottle of Tequila, got stuck by several semi-trucks, and bashed my head into a wooden light post. You may think I'm being dramatic, but if you felt what I'm feeling at this moment then you'd agree. The urge to vomit was strong, my mouth felt like it was full of cotton. What the hell happened? Taking in a breath I had to momentarily freeze, the world seeming to spin around me. Gosh if this is what having a hangover feels like, I'm never drinking. I groan when I try to move around and my body protests, every muscle stiff from under use. Why do I feel like this? It feels like I danced for a day straight nonstop. But all I did was go to the carnival with the boys and then-

"Ah, the sleeping beauty arises from her slumber I see." Everything in my body locks up at the sound of Rider's voice. Memories from last night flood my brain causing the headache I have to worsen ten fold. Fear grips me by the throat when I open my eyes and darkness greets them, I was blindfolded. "Did you really think that I wouldn't find you Chloe?"

"G-go to hell Rider." my voice came out broken and raspy, but that wouldn't stop me from speaking my mind to this sick fuck. Rider's heavy footsteps bounced off the walls of wherever we were, making it hard for me to pin point where he was exactly. I released a shrill scream when Rider magically appeared beside me and slapped me, my head whipping to the side. "Now Chloe that's no way to speak to your family." a sob shook my body, Rider's hit had landed smack dab on a newly forming bruise. My breath came out in fast pants, I was going to have a panic attack.

However despite my racing heartbeat and the pounding going on in my head, I felt okay. I was scared shitless at what Rider was capable of doing to me and what he will do to me, but at least it wasn't Laurent and Larry. I'd rather have them worried and safe, then in the situation I was currently in. It's official, I've gone completely mad. "Y-you were never f-family Rider."

"I wasn't?" the genuine curiosity in Rider's voice threw me for several loops, he was curious as to why I didn't think him family? Either he was more idiotic than I first thought, or he was just playing with me. Kind of like how a predator played with its prey. "F-family doesn't do things you d-do." Rider chuckles darkly in my ear before running his lips over my cheek, bile rises up in my throat instantly.

"Good thing we're not family."

Larry's pov~

Stepping out from behind one of the mall's buildings I zip up my zipper, smirking to myself. Without another backwards glance at the girl I walk back to the brightly lit area the carnival provided, glancing down at my watch I cringe, it was now 7:30. Meaning that I had been gone for over an hour and a half, Laurent and Chloe are going to kill me. This was supposed to be our bonding day, and I fucked it up.

Walking around the carnival I looked above everyone's heads, searching for my brother's tall figure. Getting slightly distracted from the roller coasters that were 10 stories in the air, maybe if I jumped off of one I won't have to deal with Laurent and Chloe when I get home, if I jump I'll at least die peacefully. However before I could even think through my suicide plans, a truck struck me, or at least it felt like it. "What the hell?!" was my shocked response as I stumbled back a couple of steps before righting myself, the familiar weight told me that it was my twin clinging to me with a vice like grip. Scrunching up my eyebrows I push on Laurent slightly, confused as to why he was holding on to me so tightly, and where the hell was Chloe?

"Lau, brother what's wrong?" finally ripping Laurent away from me I was able to get a clear view of my twin. Seeing Laurent's blood shot eyes and tear stained face instantly caused my blood pressure to spike dangerously, dragging my eyes over his slim figure I visibly relax seeing no injuries. But fear strikes me dead in the chest when I realize that my puffy haired sister wasn't standing right beside us, what the fuck happened when I was gone? Laurent's hot breath brushes my chin as he slowly became hysterical, eyes growing wide and his right hand gripping my left with a bone crushing grip.

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