Changes (Part Two)

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Laurent's pov ~

We have searched all over for Chloe. All around town, inside the hotel, parks, dance places, damn we even went to all the food places and stores she could have gone into. But every place we went to said they had not seen Chloe before making my anxiety turn into a full fledged panic. I refused to talk to Larry the whole day, I couldn't even look at my twin right now. It's his fault Chloe ran off, he hurt her bad. He's been trying to talk to me all day, trying to apologies to me but I wouldn't accept. One because he needs to be telling Chloe that and two I just refuse to talk to him until we find my Little one.

Both of us have called and texted her over 60 times, each. I know she turned off her phone to avoid us and I was beyond pissed at first, but now I just want her here with us and safe. I've been praying to God all day and so has Larry, we both are terrified that something bad has happened to her.

We were both back at the hotel to regroup and think of other places she could have gone. It was now midnight so most stores and restaurants have closed for the day, leaving only the streets.

Larry was in the middle of apologizing to me for the millionth time today when I heard something at our front door. My hand snaps up to Larry covering his mouth so I could listen better, a small groan is heard from the door way making me and my brother sprint over to the door. The sight before us causes our faces to go pale, our blood to turn to ice, and anger like no other take over me and my brother. Chloe was leaning against the wall covered in bruises and cuts all over her body, dried blood all over her face, arms, and legs. Her left eye was swollen shut while the other was a dark ugly blue and black color. "Guys I kind of got hurt while I was gone."

I completely ignored her comment, instead I walked up to her and brought her into a tight yet soft hug letting the tears flow down my face. My Little one was ok, well she will be ok. I'm pushed out of the way from Chloe by my brother, him and Chloe stare at each other for what seems like forever before Larry engulfs her into a hug. Sobs coming from them both cause them to shake violently, "I'm sorry Chloe! Si ce n'était pas pour moi d'être stupide, vous ne seriez pas mal en ce moment, s'il vous plaît s'il vous plaît pardonnez-moi! Je suis tellement désolé de ce qui vous est arrive." (If it wasn't for me being stupid you wouldn't be hurt right now, please please forgive me! I'm so sorry this happened to you.)

Larry gets that all out in one breathe before breaking down even further into his guilt. Feeling somewhat bad now I walk over to him and Chloe and take them in my arms. Over and over Larry kept saying he was sorry to Chloe, no matter how many times Chloe said she forgave him he wouldn't believe it. "Chloe you want to go to hospital?" Looking at her battered body now is making me aware of how bad she got beat up. Chloe shakes her head before letting out a sigh, "It's ok guys, I've been through worse before." Hearing those words made my heart ache, the fact that she looks this bad and says she has been through worse both frightens and pisses me off.

I had to go to the drug store to get supplies to fix Chloe up since Larry flat out refused to move away from her. Literally he has been stuck to her side ever since she walked through the door, but I don't blame him. With the connection I have with Larry I can feel the amount of guilt and sadness he is feeling about all this, my heart is breaking for my brother because I know he knows a portion of what happened to Chloe is his fault. On my way back to the hotel I start to think of all the people who could have done this and only coming up with one, her brother Rider. My mind hasn't let me forget the fact that he is out of prison and stalking Chloe, it wouldn't surprise me if it was him.

Walking into the hotel room I find Larry on the couch with his arms around Chloe, cuddling her but being careful not to hurt her in the process. "Ok Chloe, let clean you up."

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