Just a Dream

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Laurent's pov ~

India, Larry, and I were all gathered around the kitchen table where a map showing all of Brazil sat laid out in front of us. Red X's were scattered over almost half of the piece of paper, marking the places that we had searched for Chloe, and came up with nothing. The X's covered abandoned places mostly, me and my brother know that Chloe doesn't like strangers much, so we figured she would stay somewhere that has a small population of people. We had already searched all the vacant buildings in the area we're currently living at, along with two other cities an hour away. Now we are focusing on going farther into the smaller cities about three hours away, "Bro calm down." 

Larry's voice brings me out of my thoughts, looking up at my twin I give him a confused look. "I calm Larry, I'm fine." turning my attention back onto the map I start circling places with a yellow highlighter, these are the places we will search for Chloe today. Suddenly a hand snatches my wrist causing me to jump slightly, glancing at the limb I see Larry's tattooed skin. Right when I was about to pull my arm away from my brother Larry gives my wrist a squeeze making me gaze into his dark eyes, easily picking out the worry that is directed at me. "No you not calm Lau, you shaking."  hearing this I look down at the arm being held by Larry taking notice of my hands shaking violently, what the heck? Why am I shaking, it's not even a barely noticeable shaking, no it looks like I'm about to go into a full blown seizure. Looking back at my brother I give him a frightened look, silently telling him that I'm about to start freaking out. Realization crosses over Larry's face before he grabs a hold of both my shoulders, "Lau when the last time you dance?"


That was the one emotion I felt for my twin brother right at this moment, no anger was an understatement, I was furious. Chloe has been missing for a day and a half already and he is worrying about when's the last time I've danced?! Giving Larry a blank look I start to feel my skin becoming warmer and warmer almost to the point where it was uncomfortable,  my heart was going so fast I thought it was going to burst out of my chest, and my breathing pattern started to increase. Larry gives me a slightly frightened look, still holding onto my shoulders. "Laurent, bro you okay?"  the sound of my brother's worried voice caused something inside of me to snap, all of the anger that was building up completely vanished and was replaced by depression and sadness. Tears quickly filled my vision but this time I refused to let them fall, all this time I've been an emotional reck while everyone else was well put together. Never have I been this emotional over anything or anyone except for my brother, however even then all that is shed is a few tears. But in the past day I've cried enough to fill up three rivers and a small pond, weak is something I refuse to feel like, and I'm ashamed that all I've been in this situation is just that..weak.

Shaking my head slowly I stare at my Jordan's, unable to look my brother in the eyes. "I don' know Larry, I feel sick. Ashame that I weak and you guys not." feeling someone tugging on my Afro I lift up my head seeing Larry giving me a small smile, telling me silently that it's okay to feel this way. "Don' feel bad bro, you no weak trust me. Just dance Lau it make you feel better, show me what going on in you mind." 

"Larry we have to find Chloe, no time for dance now!"

"There always time for dance, you know that."

"But Lar-"

"No! Dance now Lau, you know Chloe would want you to dance."

Larry using Chloe against me caused my body to freeze, and a glare to take over my facial features. "Larry that no cool man."

"I no care, you know it true brother." Larry looked at me with a serious face causing me to lower my head once again. I know he was right, but the stubborn part of me was saying that we needed to focus on finding Chloe and not dancing. However me not dancing for a day and a half was starting to take a toll on my body, and I was caving faster than I thought possible. You're probably thinking that a day is nothing and that I'm just being over dramatic, but you don't understand. My brother and I have never gone more than a day without dancing, it's impossible. I must have been so caught up in my thoughts because I didn't even notice Larry moving all the furniture out of the way and dragging me into the middle of the living room. Out of no where 'I was here' by Monster started to ooze out of my speakers, tensing up I try with all of my inner strength not to let the music seep through my skin and take control. We shouldn't be dancing right now, we should be out there looking for Chloe. What if we are so close to finding her and by me wasting time dancing we miss our chance to bring her back to us? "Larry." shaking my head slowly I take a step towards Larry so I could turn the music off and get back to work.

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