Signs of Freedom

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Chloe's pov~

At this point in time, I can honestly say that I've given up.

It has been exactly one week since I've been with my brothers, my family. I know this because Rider makes it a daily routine of his to come into my room and rub salt all over my wounds, "I guess your 'Gay Twins' don't care about you Chloe. You've been here for a week and they still haven't come for you." Rider would say as he laughed hysterically while punching and kicking me, making sure to slap my newest cuts and bruises harder, just so he could here me wail in pain. However now I wouldn't plead for him to stop, the only noises that escape me were the occasional yelp or curse. My body was becoming used to the amount of pain I faced on a day to day basis now, which I was both thankful and fearful for. Thankful that I didn't suffer as much as I did when I had first arrived, but also fearful that I would get used to being beaten to a bloody pulp every day.

Another sign that I had truly given up on ever escaping this place, was that I was beginning to blame myself for all of this. I was blaming my very existence for what I'm going through now, it was both depressing and infuriating. As Rider would hit me I would say that I deserved it, the reason why I deserved this amount of pain was unknown, however in my mind it made perfect sense.

If you had never been born then this would have never happened ~

Were the words that were circling my head constantly for the past week. After all I'm just a mistake, I would have never been if my mother would have been smart and told her client to use protection. People would say that I'm being over dramatic, but what I speak is true. Like Rider, my mother made it her mission to tear me apart; emotionally, physically, and mentally.

Even when I was just a mere toddler my mother would shout in my face that I was nothing but a mistake, a useless, worthless mistake that shouldn't even be breathing. Abuse me because she said that I wasn't good enough, "You ruined EVERYTHING for me you worthless piece of shit! You're just getting what you deserve." My mother would holler as she brought her favorite leather belt down with a heavy hand, striking with such force that it would break my sensitive skin easily. Being just the age of 4 I didn't understand a single word my mother had said, however I was smart enough back then to know that I wasn't loved. People say that mothers will always love their babies unconditionally, no matter what occurs in their child's life they will love them with their whole being. So what happened to mine? Why wasn't I receiving this love and affection that was supposed to be given to a child? Why was I subjected to this abuse, what had I done wrong?

"You lived Chloe, that is where you went wrong." Rider had whispered into my ear as he dragged a switch blade across my stomach, the newly sharpened device slicing into my abdomen without struggle. I whimper as blood trickles out of my wound, shivering when a finger glides through the trail of blood. Rider appears in front of my hanging body, his pointer finger covered in my blood, and to my utter horror Rider opens his mouth and pops his finger inside. His dark brown eyes rolling to the back of his head, "You've always tasted so good Chloe, every part of you."

Shutting my eyes I try and force down the bile that is slowly gathering inside me mouth, "Y-you're sick Rider, a twisted human being." My voice barely comes out higher than a whisper, goosebumps rise all over my body at the feeling of Rider's finger dragging across my stomach again. Rider heard me anyway, he chuckles darkly before gripping my chin in a vice like hold, forcing me to stare into the empty eyes of my kidnapper. "That wasn't very nice Chloe, but you're right, I am twisted-" The glint of Rider's blade catches my eye as he brings it out of his pocket again, the silver object almost seemed to be winking at me, taunting me. Holding the handle of the knife tightly Rider brings it close to my stomach, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. "I should act like it."

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