Patience is Key

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India's pov~

Sitting on the couch I glance at my phone once again, waiting for a text or call from Black Rose. I had sent her to go steak out the place Rider had Chloe, it was located in the outskirts of Houston, far away from civilization. I haven't told the boys where Chloe is yet, because I know that they would hop on a plane and go without so much as a glance back, and I couldn't have that. My cousins are very smart when it comes to stuff like this, but since it involves their little sister they will throw reason away and go after Rider without thinking everything through, not caring that they might get killed because of their reckless actions. I've lost countless of partners because of recklessness, I wasn't going to let it happen to them.

Looking over at Larry and Laurent my heart sinks a little deeper, they were sprawled out on the floor past out, exhaution had finally taken its toll on them. Both haven't slept for three days, they refused to fall asleep, saying that if something happened they wanted to be awake and ready. Laurent held Larry tightly to his chest, looking for comfort from his twin, however I think Larry needed it more than Laurent. For the past three days Larry hasn't eaten or slept, all he's been doing is staring out of the hotel window silently crying, saying prayers in French. He would talk to only Laurent and I, when we were out for whatever reason he would be stuck to Laurent's side, never looking anywhere but his other half. Watching them now I felt like I was intruding, even though they were sleeping their bodies were alive; Laurent's hand gently stroked the back of Larry's neck playing with his baby hairs, while Larry's hand would tighten every now and then on the chunk of Laurent's afro he held. Laurent released a small whimper of pain and Larry's grip instantly loosened before he snuggled deeper into his twin's chest. Everyone always claims that Larry doesn't love Laurent as much as Laurent loves him, but behind closed doors you would think differently. Larry loves Laurent with his whole being, showing affection to his twin only in private and sometimes in public when Laurent needs it most. Larry would do anything for Laurent and vice versa, they complete each other, without one you don't have the other.

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts and sent me on high alert, it was four o'clock in the morning, who in the hell would be at our door? Grabbing my hand gun I place it behind my back before calmly walking to the door, "Who is it?" Looking through the peep hole I'm met with Black Rose's icy blue eyes, a smile creeps up onto my face as I rip the door open and yank Black Rose inside. She chuckles before giving me a small hug, "I've missed you too India."

"Did you find Chloe?" my question tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop it, the curiosity was killing me. A hard glare takes over Black Rose's child like features, her light blue eyes turning a thunderous gray while her body goes rigid. "Yeah I found her."

"Why do you say it like that?" the worry in my voice was obvious, already my mind had thought about the worst things possible.

"She isn't doing good India." Rose's voice came out somber, empty. Something that was quiet common with her, but I could sense a hidden emotion that she wasn't showing. "You saw her?" Rose doesn't say anything, she just stared into my eyes with a sad look while nodding her head. Now in the time I've known Rose never have I ever seen her show any emotion, doesn't matter the situation Black Rose doesn't reveal anything. It's what she's known for, being a cold hearted killer, not caring who gets killed as long as the job is done. That is why she's my best protégé, not only is she ruthless at what she does, but she had the face of a child, making it easier for people to trust her. So seeing Black Rose show actual feelings puts me on edge. "Tell me what you saw."

"Where is Larry and Laurent?" Black Rose dodges the question smoothly, changing the subject to my cousins. Taking the bait I point towards the living room, following closely behind her as she makes her way deeper into the hotel suit. Rose quietly sits down on the couch, her eyes zeroing in on Laurent and Larry. "They must know this information too." turning towards me she raises an eyebrow, signaling me to wake them up. Taking a deep breath I slowly release it, she is right, even though I really don't want to tell them something that will cause them harm, they must know.

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