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Laurent's pov~

Something has been wrong with Chloe ever since that interview, that really bad interview. She hasn't been herself and it's starting to worry me and my brother, the interview was two weeks ago, you would think that Chloe would have moved on by now. I don't understand why it's effecting her so much, yeah I know that she didn't want people to know her business and such but I miss my Chloe. Her bubbly personality has dulled and she no longer smiles anymore, her chakra even feels off now, it feels darker almost. Larry and I have tried everything to get Chloe out of her funk, but nothing seems to be working, dancing isn't even working.

"Larry what we do bro, I worried for Chloe."

"I know me too brother, but we have to wait till she ready."

"When we know she ready though?! I can't have my sister sad anymore Larry, she no deserve this." Larry walks up to me from his sitting position on the kitchen counter and puts his hands on my shoulders, eyes filled with worry. "I know brother, believe me. But we can no push her, it just make Chloe push us back, you know that." shrugging my twins' hands off of me I run my hands through my hair, a whimper leaves my lips feeling my little Afro. I've been so stressed out about everything that I haven't had the time to take care of my hair and it's starting to show. "I gunna go talk to her Larry."

"Fine do what you want bro, but remember what I say. I gon' go hang out with Diablo and his girl, call me if anything happen, okay?"

"Okay bro, be safe, I love you." Larry quickly hugs be and kisses my forehead, "Love you too Lau." and with that he grabbed the keys to the rental and heads out the door. Turning on my heels I make my way to Chloe's room, mentally going over what I was going to talk to her about. Reaching Chloe's door I knock three times before letting myself in, "Chloe I-"

The words that were once going to come out of my mouth got lodged in my throat, leaving my mouth opening and closing like a fish. Chloe's wide tear filled eyes stared back at me with a sharp blade in her left hand, placed gently at her wrist, ready. My eyes frantically did a once over of her exposed skin and a sigh of pure relief left me when I noticed that she hadn't done anything, yet. "Chloe, baby what you doing?" My voice cracked slightly as I moved slowly towards my sister, who still had the sharp object pressed to her skin. A twitch started in my right hand as I got closer to Chloe, the need to rip the cutting tool away from her so strong I almost did it. However I didn't want to startle her and have it slip and slice her skin.

Reaching my hand out I face my palm straight up, "Don't do it Chloe, give it to me. I'll talk to you, just don't do it..please." Tears started slipping out of the corners of Chloe's dull brown eyes, her breathing picked up and her hand started to shake. As much as I wanted to get that thing away from Chloe as fast as possible I couldn't rush her, I saw the internal battle going on inside of her and I know what it's like, so I stood there at the side of her bed and waited. It must have only been a couple of minutes that we were just staring at each other but to me it felt like hours, my heart would skip a beat whenever Chloe's hand would move and the blade would apply more pressure to her wrist. Finally after five minutes of our little stare off Chloe dropped the blade into my hand and I rushed over to the bathroom and quickly disposed of the tool in the toilet, watching as the piece of metal swirled down the drain. Walking back into Chloe's room I sat right in front of her, our knees touching each other. The air around us had become tense, both of us waiting for the other to speak. "Chloe wha-"

"I don't know what to do anymore Lau, I've given up. Rider is never going to stop until he gets me, people know about my fucked up life now, everything is falling apart. And I don't know what to do about it, it's like I can never catch a break brother. I'm tired of it, tired of everything." Chloe lowered her head causing her light brown curls to fall over her face, acting as a curtain. A sharp pain pounded on my heart causing me to place my hand over it, Chloe's words cut and they cut deep. Does she really feel that way? Does Chloe not know that she has me and my twin? We will always be here for her, not matter how fucked up her past has been, shit our past isn't squeaky clean either we all have skeletons in our closets. "Chloe don't think you alone, again I say you have me and my twin. We love you Chloe, and that will never change ever, you our sister now. Larry and I look after our family, no matter how bad your past is. Me and my brother no have best past either little one, we do bad things to. So we know what you go through, that why we ask you talk to us."

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