Show time.

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I couldn't talk, I couldn't even make a sound. It was like my throat closed up enabling me from uttering a single noise. Nice going Chloe you just made a fool of yourself in front of Beyoncé. "Sorry Monster, our sister shy." Laurent came to my rescue answering for me while my vocal cords were still out of order. Larry turned to me and saw my sad expression, "Larry maintenant, elle ne va pas comme moi. J'ai fait un fou de moi en face d'elle!" (Larry now she isn't going to like me. I made a fool of myself in front of her!) I stuffed my head into Larry's stomach and wrapped my arms around his waist. "You silly Chloe. She like you, you being dumb." 

I feel a hand run through my curls which gives me a sign that it's Laurent. Glancing up I see Lau looking down at me with a small smile, "Il est vrai idiote. Beyoncé ne te déteste pas, personne ne peut vous haïr petit." (It's true silly girl. Beyoncé doesn't hate you, no one can hate you little one.)

I smile at Laurent before turning back towards Beyoncé giggling at the confused face she is showing us. She looks at me before smiling, "I'm sorry Beyoncé you just scared me." with a wave of her hand she dismisses the whole thing and opens her arms for a hug, which I gladly take.

"It's alright baby, no harm done. But you two boys need to hurry it up and get dressed. Chloe you can come with me." I hesitate a little before the Twins said not to worry and that they would see me in a little bit. Nodding my head Beyoncé takes my hand and leads me to her dressing room. Entering her dressing room I take in a sharp breathe, their was a table filled with all sorts of junk food and drinks. Catching me eyeing her snack table she chuckles and pushes me in the direction of the fattening food. I fill a small bowl with hot Cheetos and grab a sprite and sit down on a red leather coach sitting in the corner. Coming out of what I assume was her bathroom she enters the room in a fluffy blue robe and sat down on a swivel chair facing me. "So Chloe are you really Larry and Laurent's sister or is that a lie? I'm just wondering because you guys look so much a like, but they always say they are the youngest?"

My heart picks up speed just slightly, I give her a small smile before shaking my head slightly. "No we aren't related." She just nods her head catching on that I didn't want to talk about it, "I'm sorry sweetie it isn't my place to ask these type of questions."

"It's alright Monster I understand." her eyebrows raise a little at the name I called her, she probably isn't used to people calling her that other than the Twins. I don't even know why I called her Monster, it just felt right to say.

Over the next hour we sat there while she was getting all dolled up for her concert talking and laughing about anything and everything, until it was show time. Monster let me sit on the side of the stage so I would have a good view of the concert sense I was to uncomfortable to sit front row by myself. I saw the Twins coming my way so I smiled at them and stretched my arms out wide waiting for a hug, "Good luck out there guys." saying thank you they gave me a kiss on the cheek before going to their little waiting area right outside the stage.

So far after 40 minutes I'm already having the time of my life, all the lights and the sounds are just absolutely amazing. The music to 'Why don't you love me' started to play making me become even more fidgety than I already was. I've had to sit still without dancing for the whole 40 minutes and I think I might just die. Slowly the music was taking control of my actions, "Give it up for Les Twins, dance!" I hear Monster announce Larry and Laurent but my mind is else where, dancing to the beat with a diva attitude. It's a Beyoncé concert after all. Opening my eyes I see Laurent curling a finger at me telling me to step out on stage with them, has he lost his damn mind? Shaking my head I continue to dance in my little spot before I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me out on stage. I'm more than positive my heart fell out of my chest, my eyes look out and see thousands of people screaming and cheering for Les Twins. Giving Lau my deadliest look I take a deep breath before going back into my little world. Feeling the connection through me and the Twins I smile and dance some moves that I never knew I could bust, throwing my head back and shaking my head when I heard Lau yell. I even let out my own version of the 'Laurent yell' making Larry and Lau throw their heads back shaking their Afros. After their time was up we all connected hands and bowed for the crowd before walking off letting Monster take over while we went back stage. Once I knew the crowd could no longer see us and they turned around to face me I attacked, slapping and pinching the shit out of these guys.

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