Telling the Truth

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Chloe's pov ~

We left McDonald's after my tears refused to let up, my eyes were bloodshot and they felt like I poured alcohol on them they burned so much. The guys and I had to abandon our food with only half of it eaten. The whole drive back to the hotel I sat in the back crying, wishing and praying to God that this was all just a sick dream. That I would wake up and we would still be in California with Rider locked up thousands of miles away in Houston, away from me and away from Larry and Laurent. Laurent kept turning back to give me sad and concerned glances while Larry sped down the streets to get to our hotel.

We arrived at our hotel sooner than I would have liked, my thoughts are all over the place and I have to sit down and spill the truth to the boys. I could feel my stomach go into knots when I sat down on the couch and the twins sat in front of me, giving me a face that told me to explain myself no matter how hard it will be. "Me and my brother here for you Chloe, it ok." Laurent nods in agreement to his brother before turning to me, "Yeah, you can trust us little one."

With my emotions somewhat controlled and the help of Larry and Laurent, I think I was finally ready to tell them the truth...the actual truth. No more lies.

"Well when I was still living with my mom I had a brother, his name was Rider. He was the best big brother a little girl could ask for, he stood up for me, and protected me. Everything was perfect, until my 7th birthday...that's when everything turned upside down. Rider would start to look at me funny when mom wasn't looking, he would look at me with lust in his eyes. Now mind you I just turned seven so little me is totally oblivious to these things, until he began touching me. It started as him saying it was an accident and his hand slipped, but as time went on he wouldn't make up an excuse he would just do it. Then I guess that wasn't enough for him so he started raping and abusing me, threating to kill me if I uttered a word to mom about it. This went on for three years every year his beatings were made harder or he would rape me numerous times a week. Finally I built up the strength to tell my mom about what Rider had put me through for three years...but he caught me before I got the chance. Rider threatened to drown me if I didn't tell him what I was going to tell mom, when he found out he beat me so bad I ended up in the hospital for a month. Of course my mother didn't believe me when I told her what really happened to me...Rider was always her favorite child anyways."

I looked at Laurent and Larry to see their eyes dark, jaw clenched, and bodies shaking with the amount of pent up rage they were holding in. "He no go jail?" Larry's accent was beginning to thicken and his English became choppy telling me he was pissed.

"After I left the hospital things calmed down for a while, I thought everything was going to go back to normal.  But of course I was wrong. Rider's beatings started up again however they were worse this time, he made me do unspeakable things to him a child should never do. My need to put Rider away forever was so strong for ruining innocent little me that I started taking pictures of me after his beatings, of me all bloody and bruised. I went so far as recording some of the beatings. One day when school let out I grabbed all the evidence and took it to the police. With all the proof I had with me they immediately arrested Rider and put him away for life."

Laurent takes a deep breath and looks at me with a knowing look, he's figured it out. "So you brother do that to you back?" my eyes cast downward before nodding slowly, "I wanted to tell you both but he threatened you and Larry, I couldn't risk losing you guys." Again for the third time today tears welled up in my eyes blurring my vision of Larry and Laurent. Larry's eyes soften from their glare and he walks to me and plops down on my right side with Laurent following on my left, "So who text you at MacDonald's Chloe?" Larry's question made me freeze for a fraction of a second before a sigh was let out from my throat.

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