You really f*cked up Laurent

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Chloe's pov ~

Rolling over I reach out my hand to Laurent's spot, eyes scrunching up in confusion finding him not there. Forcing my eyes open I look at their spots on the bed to find them both vacant. Getting up out of the oh so comfortable bed I make my way to the bathroom wearing my checkered pajama pants and a white tank top, brushing my teeth and throwing my hair into a messy bun I go to the living room to look for the boys.

Walking into the living room I come across a sight that has me raising both eyebrows. Larry is pacing around the room while Lau is sitting on the couch with his head laid in his hands. "I tell you no go with her, cause you drunk! But you go with her now look what you did now Lau!" hearing Larry yell at his brother makes me flinch, Laurent just looks at his brother before looking down in shame. "I know brother, but I don't know she do that with the picture!"

Picture? What picture are they talking about? Looking on the counter in the kitchen I see Laurent's phone sitting there unlocked, so being curious little me I make my way over there and snatch up his phone.

At first I wanted to scream, then I wanted to throw up, but instead I decided to save myself the embarrassment and just looked away. On the phone was a picture of Lau and some girl, now you might not think it's that bad, but the fact that they were both naked and pressed up against each other with only a towel covering up "little Laurent". Made it pretty bad. With the phone still in my hand I walk back out to the living room to find the boys still talking/yelling at one another, completely oblivious to the fact I was a few feet away from them.

"Damn Laurent, you really fucked up this time." hearing my voice they snap their heads in my direction, faces paling when they realize I was there the whole time and that I had Lau's phone with the picture in my hand.  Looking over at Lau his face had taken on a red tint to it, making me believe that he was embarrassed that I had heard them and seen the picture.

"I-it was not me Chloe, I-I sweat it-" holding up my hand I stop whatever lie Laurent was going to try to give me, it was to late I heard everything and saw everything but thank god not everything. I give Lau a small smile, "I already know it's you Laurent. But it's ok I don't care you're still my innocent little big brother."

He lefts out a sigh of relief before going up to me dropping to his knees and hugs me. Feeling my tank top beginning to stick to my skin I realize he is crying, my Laurent is crying because some whore decided she wanted attention so she posted a very private picture to the internet knowing it would make him look bad. I pick his head up and pull it out from it's hiding spot which is my shoulder, "Don't worry Lau this will all pass and it will be a thing of the past soon." wiping some stray tears that had made their way down his face. "Yeah bro, I love ya still too." Larry stands behind us looking at Laurent with his signature smile, picking Lau up he brings his brother in for one of their famous twin hugs.


The boys had just left to appear at a club in L.A. leaving me at home by myself once again. It doesn't really bother me that they go to clubs everyday or every other day, just because I know this is what they do for a living and it helps their name get around.

But that doesn't mean I don't get bored spending all hours of the night by myself, yeah I mean that was my life for three years but I've gotten used to being around the guys almost all hours of the day. So when they aren't around for a while I start to get lonely and stir-crazy.

My phone snaps me out of my thoughts when I get a text from Dyandra, "Girl want to come to this badass club with me?"

Is this girl crazy? She knows I'm like 14 not 18, right? "Dyandra I can't go to no club, you're crazy!"

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