Addition to the Family

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*Picture is of Leroy*

Chloe's pov ~

"Laurent you don't understand, if-" a loud boom shook the abandoned house causing a shriek to leave my lips, it sounded like it was coming from inside the house. My whole body was gripped by fear, not fear that there was a ghost, but the fear that someone was here with me. Every single horror movie with a scene just like this played out in my head, I internally cringed at the over powering feeling to go check what the noise was. This is where everyone yells at the stupid girl not to go look for the cause of the noise, and it's sad for me to say that now I was the stupid girl. The idiotic girl that was probably going to die because she didn't listen to her gut and stay put, but instead went looking for the axe murderer.

"Chloe? Are you okay?!" Laurent's voice nearly made me jump out of my skin, taking deep and calming breaths I try to control my heartbeat before I have a heart attack. Scowling at the air in front of me I wish Laurent was here, so I can reach over and hit him for nearly scaring me to death. Not answering Laurent's question I strain my ears trying to pick up something so that I can pin point where the noise was coming from. Below me I hear footsteps, but not heavy footsteps like a man's would have been, they are light like a child's. Letting out a breath I relax knowing that Rider nor Diana have found me, yet. However now my curiosity to find out who the footsteps belong to triple. What if there is a child down there? A child that could be afraid of the dark, hungry, lost, all possible reasons for me to go looking for the person continuously popping up in my head. "Laurent..I'll call you back." curiosity had won this battle and I started making my way slowly out of the bedroom, I didn't want to frighten whoever was here by letting my presence be known so I tried to end the call with Laurent. "No! No, no, no, no you better not ha-" before Laurent could finish his sentence my thumb was already hitting the end call button, regret and guilt clouded my mind as soon as my screen went black. Laurent sounded so different, not the usual happy bubbly Laurent that I grew to love. He sounded so, so broken. The part that hit me the hardest was that I made him like that, my selfish actions caused Laurent to lose his bubbly personality. I now agreed with India 100%, what I have done is selfish and in my act of selfishness I hurt my boys.

"SHOOT!" a small voice downstairs yelled causing me to snap back into the present time, I will let myself feel guilty and stupid after I figure out who is in this house.

Once again I cringe, how many times has the axe murderer done something of this nature to get the victim to come out of their hiding place? Oh please Lord don't let there be a murderer downstairs. Saying a silent prayer I slowly open the door, cussing quietly whenever it would squeak. I might have underestimated the age of this house, taking a closer look around I see paint chipping off the doors and walls telling me that whoever lived in this house had been gone for a long long time. Finally outside of the bedroom I make my way to the stair case and pier over the railing, I squint my eyes hard trying to pick up any form of movement. I curse to myself as I make my way down the staircase, hoping and praying a psychopath doesn't jump out with a knife. We always wonder why the girl in a horror movie goes looking for the killer, even if she knows he's down there. But once you become that girl it all makes sense, curiosity grips you by the throat and forces you to go look. Your mind goes hay wire with different scenarios and possibilities of who could be making the noises, until finally you cave and go looking for the person. Which then leads to their death. But hey, maybe this time will be different? I mean this isn't a movie after all, so the possibility of there actually being a killer is slim to none, right?

"You are so stupid Chloe." I mutter under my breath as my foot leaves the last step putting me at the entrance of the living room. Looking around the dark space I get distracted by pictures sitting on the mantle above a dusty fireplace, what's weird about this house is that all the furniture is still here, even family pictures. Like the previous owners just up and left, only taking the clothes on their backs with them. Scanning over some of the pictures I can tell a family lived here, a mother with three children, two boys and a girl. Taking out my phone I activate the flashlight and grab a random photo, the family all seemed happy in the picture I held in my hand with smiles on full display, eyes shining with happiness. Tears cloud my vision looking at the happy family, something I never got to have growing up. The family seemed to be at the beach, they were all sandy and building a sand castle together, so this is what a family looks like. Placing the picture back I grab another one, scanning over the photo I see all smiles again, all but one child. A boy about four was the one without a smile, he looked sad. The little boy had a mess of curly light brown hair, the brightest hazel eyes I've ever seen, and a cute baby face. He was utterly adorable, a kid that should have a smile on his face like the rest of his family, so why doesn't he?

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