Big Mouth

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Chloe's pov ~

I'm so dead.

This is actually where I'm going to die, inside the restroom at the movie theater, by the hands of my brother's psychotic girlfriend. Why couldn't I have kept my big mouth shut, oh yeah that's right because Laurent has rubbed off on me. So now I have Laurent's diva attitude, and it's going to be the reason I'll be 6 feet under.

Diana comes closer slowly, watching my every move seeing if I'll dare try to run. Once she was right in front of me she lifted her hand, and before I even got the chance to move out of the way her hand was coming into contact with my right cheek. The smack echoed throughout the empty bathroom while I fell to the floor, my head hitting the tiled wall causing me to see stars. Diana didn't even give me a chance to process what was happening before her boot was plowing into my stomach and rib area, causing me to curl up into a helpless ball. I was trying my hardest to keep every grunt and moan silent, I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing that what she is doing is hurting me. She knelt down and continued her assault by repeatedly pounding her bony ass fists into my face, thankfully she wasn't as good of a fighter as Rider so her punches were easier to block. However due to the hit I received to my head my vision was blurred, so most of Diana's hits met their designated targets. Once I was close to unconsciousness the psycho raised up breathing hard and wearing a satisfied smirk, "Had enough bitch?"

Even though I was experiencing extreme amounts of pain and was slowly fading in and out I managed to smile up at her and laugh a little, "That's all you got Diana? I expected more..." I almost scream once the words finish leaving my mouth, the feeling of one of my ribs shifting around freely cause white hot pain shoot up my spine. When Diana's caked up face loses its smirk I let a smirk of my own grace my bruised and bloody face. Diana whips out her pistol making my smirk vanish, she smiles widely before cocking the gun, pointing it right at my head. "I should have done this along time ago Chloe. Killed you to rid this world of such a useless piece of shit like you, no one would miss your pathetic little ass anyway. So if you think about it, I would be doing all of us a favor." her witch like laugh fills my ears making me wince.

Right when Diana was going to say something more there was a noise at the door. It sounded like someone was picking at the lock, looking at Diana she signals me to be quiet by putting her finger to her lips. "Open this fucking door right now!" My face pales at the familiar voice, India.

Diana's eyebrows come down in confusion at the unknown voice, but taking one look at me she notices my pale face and smirks. "Is that one of your little friends Chloe?" Before I could answer her India throws open the restroom door causing it to swing forward and bang against the tile covered wall. She rushes in with Larry and Laurent hot on her heels. Their sudden entry causes Diana to run to me and wrap her left arm around my neck, gun pressed to my temple. Feeling my airways close slightly I grip her arm in my hands and dig my nails deep into her arm. "If you come any closer I swear I'll shoot her in the fucking head!" Diana's loud voice rings in my ear nearly busting it, I can feel the Laurent in me start to resurface. Rolling my eyes I look up at her, "Damn you need a tic tac, wait fuck that you need a whole tube of toothpaste shoved down your throat." I bite my lip hard trying to keep a yelp from coming out, Diana's fast movements and me talking causes my broken rib to shift painfully. But I was on a mission to piss Diana off, so my pain was worth it.

The pressure on my neck increases causing me to cough loudly, "You little bitch!" Diana lifts the gun up ready to strike me, I squeeze my eyes tightly readying myself for the blow. "If you touch her one more time I'll kill you!" India's voice cuts through the air making everything go silent, I was shocked that her French accent had completely disappeared causing her words to be twice as vicious. Diana snorts before looking at India with a flat look, "You won't do anything bitch, because if you take one more step Chloe will be no more."

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