Family Reunion

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Chloe's pov ~

Exiting the car at the Airport my eyes could barely stay open, making me stumble a few steps before regaining my balance. We were going to fly to our next destination of the Mrs. Carter tour which happens to be in Manchester. Now I've never been up in the air before so to say I'm nervous is a big understatement my hands are sweaty, I can feel myself shaking, and the only thing in my mind is there is a possibility that we could crash. That or it's the sleep deprivation.

Me and the boys are dragging ass this morning due to the fact we had to get up at 7 in the morning so we could pack all our stuff to catch our flight which leaves at 9, which means we only got an hour of sleep. So I have two tired Bourgeois men that I have to deal with, but they also have to deal with a tired Chloe and let me tell you that isn't pretty. This is going to be a long 16 hour flight I can already tell. Since I didn't feel like getting dressed up I went with wearing my red sweatshirt, white sweats, and red vans with my hair in a sloppy pony tail. Larry and Laurent are still in their basketball shorts with black sweatshirts and matching black and grey Jordan's.

We gave our luggage to some of the workers so they could put them on the plane before going to meet up with Ashley. I lean on Laurent making him wrap his arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to him, I've never been so tired before. My eyes closed for a fraction of a second before the sensation that I was falling took over making me squeal, lucky Lau caught me before my face became one with the floor. "Ok you no close eyes anymore."

I was extremely grateful Ashley decided to meet up at Starbucks because my body was running on E. She was my life saver right now, at least I won't be too tired on the flight to Manchester. Walking over to Ashley she brings me into a warm hug making me close me eyes, "Chloe open you eyes." Larry's loud voice by my ear makes me jump up before hitting him on the chest, asshole.  "What do you want baby doll?" I look up at Ashley thinking about what type of drink I would like before just going with a Vanilla Bean which doesn't have any caffeine but oh well it's freaking good. "Larry go with Chloe to buy candy for the flight." Hearing the mention of candy me and Larry's ears perk up before we sprint to the near by candy store, having a little mini race. I laugh in his face when my foot hits the entrance before him and Larry losing his footing and falling over cackling while holding onto his shin.

Collecting ourselves we finally walk into the store, eyes going wide when we see all the different types of candies lining the shelves. Right away we split up and go our separate ways grabbing a little cart before throwing random sweets into our carts to try on the plane, I noticed there were a lot of people in the store making me get nervous a little but brushing it off telling myself nothing is going to happen. Out of no where the over whelming feeling of being watched took over raising the hairs on the back of my neck making me take a quick glance around to see no one even paying attention to me. Taking a deep breath I try to tell myself that it was all in my head, but the feeling only got stronger and stronger causing my breathing to accelerate and my heart to work double time. I move forward about to round the corner to look for my brother before a large rough hand comes down over my mouth preventing me from letting out a scream for Larry. I feel this person pulling me backwards and through a doorway, automatically I start thrashing and kicking before a sharp poke to my back halts all struggles coming from me.

This person has a knife, they have a knife to my back.

"What you think you're doing baby? Why you going to try and run from me?" my heart jumps all the way to my throat while my stomach drops out of my ass. It can't be him, he is supposed to be in prison for life. He's not behind you Chloe, the sick and twisted bastard that is your brother is not the person behind you. "Awe is little Chloe at a lost for words? Why don't I help you." I'm spun around coming face to face with probably the sickest man you could ever meet in your entire life, this person is in fact my brother Rider. Tears come to my eyes as memories flash in my mind about my fucked up childhood with Rider there. With all the beatings, rape, and emotional abuse this man that is supposed to protect me like my father should have has caused me. I shake my head as if doing so will make him disappear and reappear in his prison cell, Rider snickers before looking at me with his soulless eyes. "I've been watching you little sis, I see you've made some new friends. It looks like you really care about them, would be a shame if something tragic happens to them." seeing my tears building up in my eyes makes a sinister smile come upon his face making my body start shaking. "If you tell anyone about this Chloe I swear to you I'll find you and your little friends and slit everyone of their throats and just for the fuck of it, make you watch. Oh and before I leave you why don't I do something you used to love, for old times sake." Before I could even move an inch Rider took his blade and with one clean swipe cut through my sweatshirt followed by the knife slicing through my back making a sharp pain rip like wild fire throughout my entire body. Before I even hit the floor Rider had disappeared from my sight, I don't even have to check to realize my back is bleeding heavily and there is probably a large gash going across my back.

I just lay there, trying my best not to move a muscle scared that more blood will slip from my body and onto the tile floor. Pain like no other runs through me making my body convulse causing hot tears to spill over and silent sobs to escape my mouth.

With shaking hands I reach in my back pocket grabbing my phone, bringing it to my view I see it's completely covered in my blood. Wiping off the screen as best as I could I dial one of two numbers buried deep into my memory, "Chloe?! Where you at?!" hearing Larry's panicked voice over the phone I smile softly, always the protective one. Another convulsion causes a groan to come out of my mouth in pain, "Larry help, I'm still in the store. Please hurry, Je suis blessé vraiment mal Larry m'aider s'il vous plaît frère." (I'm hurt really badly Larry help me please brother.)

Larry's voice became nothing more than a slight buzzing sound as my world started to go black and darkness took me.


Yes I know I'm horrible for leaving a cliff  hanger, but I had too! This chapter would be hella long if I kept going. Here is the update for Monday guys, I hope you like it as much as I did writing it. As always next chapter will be posted next Monday, also if you notice any mistakes please tell me so I can fix it right away. Tell me what you think about my story already, do you like it *clicks tongue* or nah? ^.\

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