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"Oppa... Can you pick me up? Manager oppa had to leave early for something really important and I don't feel going home alone..."
"I'll be there soon. Just stay away from people and stay where there's light. Or just go to the convenience store there"
"Ok, I'll go there. See you in a bit oppa!" I then ended the call.

I went to the convenience store next to the company and waited in front of it. After about 20 minutes I saw a familiar face.
"Oh- Huijun oppa! I thought CJ oppa would come pick me up, what happened?"
"He was just lazy and I just came home from visiting Jay"
"Ah I see"
"Wanna grab a snack inside?"
"Oh yes! I saw they have promotions for some things! Let's go!"


She took my hand and dragged me inside the store excitedly. She eyed everything and then she ran off to the sweets section.

She really acts like a kid sometimes. How can she be so cute?

I went after her and I saw her crouched on the floor with her usual focused expression: her eyebrows furrowed and probably pouting under her mask. She was staring at two snacks in particular.
"Hey, what does Aegi Taeyang want?" I said baby-toning her.
"I don't know which to chose! They're both so good! And they have a nice price here"
"Then why don't get both?"

"I can't... I'm on diet right now" she said looking down.
"Yeah, the company told me that I gained a lot of weight during our period off..."
"What?! You didn't gain weight at all Tyangie! And even if you did, you'd still look perfect- Ok you know what, get both snacks and I'll tell manager hyung to make you stop dieting later. It's not healthy!" I said pissed off by what the company is making her go through.

"Are you sure oppa? Cuz maybe I do look like a piglet now..."
"Piglet or not, you're still beautiful to me- I meant us. Now go pay those and let's head home"
"Ok" She payed and then we started walking to our dorm.

"How was practicing with them?" I asked her as we were walking home.
"It was fun but never as fun as it is with you guys, I missed y'all" She said pouting while munching on the snack she bought earlier.
"Ay You're lying" I said teasing her.
"Why would I lie about this oppa? Oh right- Earlier Miri and Jae mentioned something..."
"What is it?"

"They said something like 'some co-idols having crushes on me'? I don't know. Do you know anything oppa? They said I'm extremely clueless"
"Well, you are clueless, Tyangie"

Ok, I think it's the moment Huijun.
Pull yourself together and say it.

"You know, I wasn't planning to tell you this way and right now but something in me says to do so"
"What do you mean, oppa?"

"We've known each other for so many years. I got to see all your traits, wether good ones or flaws, and I want to tell you that I like each side of you. I liked you ever since we were kids... I didn't wanna confess right now since I know what happened to you and your past relationships, but I've realized that if I don't risk it now, maybe someone else will end up hurting you again. I wanna be there for you and protect you, not as friends, not as co-workers, but more. As lovers if possible..."


Sorry what- what's happening?
Jeez I'm so confused...

"Obviously I won't force you or rush you, but please give me a chance" he continued.
"I don't know, oppa... I'm genuinely confused right now, sorry"
"There's no need to feel sorry, I'd feel confused as well if my childhood friend would confess to me this randomly. Let's just head home quickly" He put his arm around my shoulders.

I'm used to him doing this all the time but why this time it feels different?
And why am I thinking back of all our moments?
Gosh this dude is so confusing

Once at home he went to take a shower immediately, while I plopped myself on the couch and Junhyuk joined me and the rest soon joined us.
"Hey Aegi! Why that expression? What's going on in your little brain?"
"Junhyuk, I'm so confused..."
"Why? What happened?"
"Huijun oppa confessed to me and now I'm thinking of all the things he did for me and how he must've felt all these years of me being dumb and clueless"

"What!? He did?" Minjae shouted.
"Yeah... I feel so bad for not realizing earlier but also ugh! I don't know!" I said ruffling my hair.
"Hey hey there, calm down. It's ok, Cutiepie"
"It's totally fine. Don't think of it so much"
"I have a question, have you ever thought of Huijun that way? Like romantically"
"Actually yes... Back when we all met and I just became a trainee but I ended up repressing those feelings to focus on debuting"

"Well, all I can say for now is think things through and take all the time you need. Now that he got it off his chest, trust me he will wait no matter what" CJ said.
"You should go to sleep now Mrs Leader-nim" Win said.
"Miri told you right?" I didn't even wait for an answer and went into my room and got ready for bed.

A/n: I've finally finished writing all the chapters for this book! Look forward to about 10 more chapters and the Q&A!

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