56 - ITALY PT3

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Language guide:


3rd day in Italy which means it's the last day before the boys have to go back in South Korea leaving Huijun, Kaeje and I here for 3 days more. For today I planned to take them to a lake: Stresa, to be exact, Jae's hometown. Since we're going to a lake, I told the boys to prepare for a bit of windy weather.
We left the hotel after breakfast around 10am, we took the van that the company rented and the managers drove us to Stresa in 45 minutes.

Arrived there, we strolled through the city before having lunch at a pizza restaurant near the lake.
"If ever you two want a round two of yesterday's ferries wheel, there's one there, look" Bic said pointing at the small ferries wheel of the city, talking to Huijun and I.
"Nah That one is scarier than the one from yesterday. Its cabins are way more shaky and scary"

"What are we gonna do after eating though?"
"You see all those little islands?"
"Don't tell me we're visiting each of them?"
"Yes! Jaeeun said that there was an island with some stray cats that let themselves get pet by anyone"
"But did you bring your lotion for the allergy?"
"She gave it to me earlier, don't worry" CJ said.

After eating we walked to where we were gonna take the first boat.
"Woah! Are we gonna use that?" Bic pointed at a big boat that tours the whole lake.
"Nah, if we use that we have only 20 minutes for each island and it's not enough"
"So what are we gonna use?" The leader asked me.
"That!" I pointed at a smaller boat that just left.

"That looks so scary for those who sit in the back" he said scared.
"Trust me, it's fun!"
"Are you going with us, hyung?" He asked the managers.
"No, we'll wait here"
We bought the tickets for the boat and waited for the next one, there's a boat every 30 minutes.
"Woah this is actually funny!"
"See, I told you!"

"Excuse me... I've noticed you guys since before going on the boat. Are you perhaps celebrities?" A girl asked us in English with a strong Italian accent.
"Ah yes, we're a group of idols from South Korea"
"Oh my! I wasn't expecting you to speak Italian! I'm Manuela nice to meet you and I'm also a kpop fan"
"Oh I see. I'm QT and our group is called MCND"

"Oh I heard one of your songs once!"
"Really? Which one?"
"Uhm was it Ice Age? Yeah, that one"
"Our debut song!"
"I can't believe I met an idol group"
"It was nice talking to you!"

After spending an hour or so in each island, we stopped at the second to last, the one with the cats.
"Ah Look there already one here on the coast!"
"Be careful, ok? Sanitize your hands after it and don't scratch your skin"
"What a caring boyfriend, huh?"
"Ay Stop teasing him, Seungmin oppa"
We took many pics and then waited for the next boat to the last island.

"So, this island has a villa and it was of a very important family in the past"
"Woah It's really pretty here!"
"I know right! Imagine having a photo shoot here with a big gown or something like that. Sounds so cool"
"Well, this year you're turning 18 internationally and your mom always wanted to make you a debut party as usual of her culture"

"How did you know? Really?..."
"My mom. What was I saying? Yeah, that maybe we can go back here before your birthday and have that photo shoot, or we could do it for our wedding" he said smirking.
"Ok no, sir Huijun stop right there. We're too young for that!"
"I'll consider this a yes though"
"Please there are singles here with y'all" his best friend said.

"Then let's call Kae, I saw how you two were acting yesterday" I said teasing him.
"Yeah whatever" he said scoffing.
"Since they bet on us, let's bet on them too" he said whispering to my ear.
"Ok, but later"
After going back from the last island we had dinner and went back to Milan.


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