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MCND maknae QT reported to not be in their very first reality show.

Here's TOP Media's statement:

"TOP Media here,
Dear GEMs, we're sorry to announce that MCND QT will NOT be in their show 'GEMCND' due to health conditions and she'll be on a one-month hiatus. But the show was still filmed at her request.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused and let's all cheer for QT's health!"

July 2020


Sadly I was fatigued and got sick. It was the 3rd week of hiatus and my last day before Yunseo tells me her answer and so far everything went perfectly. Only Castle J, Seojeong, Miri, Jaeeun and Win knew about this. Since I couldn't attend school, Yunseo would come over often to bring me homework and notes to copy and study.

Today Yunseo would come over to drop some stuff.
"Taeyangie! How are you feeling? Did you eat?" She said getting into the dorm.
"I feel much better as days pass" I said giving her a back hug.
"That's good to hear since in a week you'll be back at work"

"Wanna finish that anime?"
"Sure. But first, you have to do this homework"
"Ok..." I said pouting.
"Aww don't pout like that" Then she gave me a quick peck on the lips "What time will the guys be back?"
"Around 11 pm, like always"

Yunseo and I were now watching our favourite anime on the couch. She was resting her head on my lap and I was playing with her hair.
"Yunseo-ya, I know you're comfy right now, but I have to get some other snacks" she then pouted "I'll be fast, promise"

When I went back she was sitting there all pouty.
"See? Fast as The Flash"
"You know that today the month will finish? Do you?"
"Yeah, I know... I wanted to enjoy these moments and I didn't want to put pressure on you... but do you perhaps... have an answer for me?" I said now sitting next to her.

"Perhaps, I have" I was shocked.
"Really? So... Will you be my girlfriend, Kim Yunseo?"
"Yes, I'd love to"
"YES!" I shouted and then I pulled her into a deep kiss.
"Hey! We're bac-"
Both Yunseo and I got scared and pulled away just to see Junhyuk facepalm.
"You two are so dumb" he said.
Those who didn't know a thing were obviously shocked.

"I-I can explain, but please don't hate me, guys..." I said looking down at the floor.
"Y'all better don't judge her, hyung" Junhyuk said clenching his fists.
"Sunny, why would we hate you?"
"Yeah, even if you're not straight you're still our precious maknae" Minjae and then Seungmin said.
"I- W-Woah guys... Uhm... Huijun oppa... you haven't said anything..."

"I... Uhm... I already knew..." he said and Seongjun, Win and I looked at each other.
"H-how oppa?"
"That night you and Seongjun hyung talked in the living room, I heard that you told him that you're bi. Don't worry Taeyangie, I think I'm speaking for the rest of the group if I say that we accept every side of you"
He said and then hugged me tightly, the others joined too and I started to get teary.

"I- guys... Guys, you are the best group I could've got in. I love you all so much" then someone coughed "Oh yeah guys... I want you to meet my girlfriend, Kim Yunseo"
"Hi! Nice to meet you all" she said waving at her hand the boys.
"I mean- I see you every day in school"
"You know what she means!" I said to my boy best.

"Nice to finally meet you" CJ said.
"So... Since when you two..." Minjae asked.
"Actually not even 5 minutes"
"Yeah" we said as we were laughing awkwardly.
"So now we need to protect you also from girls huh?" Seungmin said jokingly.

"I wonder how you never noticed before? I mean, she's pretty obvious" Huijun said leaving almost all of us confused.
"All the photos she has on her phone of Chaeyoung sunbaenim" he explained.
"Well, she is her role model..." Minjae said.

"Yunseo-ssi, it's late for you to go home all alone. You can stay for the night" Seongjun said.
"Oh no need, I can just call a taxi"
"Cmon, Pretty please?"
"Fine" she said finally giving up.

Castle J

When Taeyangie and Yunseo went into her room leaving me and the boys in the living room I told them to wait a bit.

"Ok, now that those two are gone..." I started.
"What is it hyung?" Seungmin asked.
"I think I know. It's her. Right, hyung?" Huijun said.
"Yes, something's odd with that girl"
"Yeah disappeared for 3 years from her life then randomly coming back, as nothing happened"
"Well... We can't do much" Bic said after Junhyuk explained.

"Junhyuk-ah just keep an eye on anything that could be strange at school" Minjae ordered.
"I've been doing it already"
"For now let's just support our maknae" I said concluding.

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