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We were on the set for our next promotional song, REASON, a song that's fully in English and that I may or may not helped in writing.
For the first outfit I had my hair down with some braids with white beads. A black t-shirt under a grey-black button up and jeans.

Junhyuk was the first one to shoot his part and during one of the breaks we all went to him and Kaeje started joking around.
"It's the filming day and you didn't memorize well the lyrics"
"No, I did learn them " he then rapped a bit before stopping "Told you!"
"Huh! How could you not memorize the lyrics I wrote?!" I said dramatically.

After filming the choreography many times, we took a break and we were all gasping for air since we were tired.
After the break we changed into the second outfits. For the hair this time, they put my bangs down and they made a half ponytail and since my ears were visible now, they told me to put some earrings on. They gave me a Chanel white polo and a black top to put on it. Then white cargo pants with black platform shoes.

While filming our solo parts we were given a mission each. Huijun was first: he had to jump the rope 30 times with the so famous acupressure sandals and he succeeded.
Next was Minjae: he had to drink some calamansi extract and keep a poker face for ten seconds, as expected he succeeded and even went over 10 seconds.

After him, it was Win's turn and he had to stare at the camera for a minute without blinking, but he failed after 20 seconds or so. He went for another mission which was the same as Huijun. He asked to reduce the number and from 30 he had to do 10 jumps with those slippers and this time he succeeded.

Next was me, I was given the tablet and I spun the wheel. It landed on the eye staring contest but I failed immediately since my eyes get dry easily. So the second one I was given was the same as Minjae which was the calamansi extract. I'm not good with sour things but calamansi juice has always been one of my favorites ever since I was a kid. Obviously I succeeded and also drank the rest of the packet.

"Woah Sunny-ah! How did you do that?" Minjae said amazed.
"It's so good! Can I finish it? Oh There's also 2 more packets of it? Yay! Luckily I have some sugar packets in my bag
"I'm scared of her..." he said.
"I'm not crazy! It's good and you're the weak one here, Minjae oppa"
Then we had dinner break and it was Seungmin's turn for the mission. He had to copy the insider's pose and he immediately successfully.

Next up was Castle J, he had to put on a massager with low frequency on the neck for 15 seconds and he succeeded as well. During the break Huijun took a camera to film our next MCND-LOG.
"During Minjae's mission earlier, he drank calamansi, and said that it's extremely sour. I'm good at eating sour food!"
"Liar" I said behind the cam but he just proceeded in what he was doing.

"I will give it a try"
After he took a sip of it his face immediately reacted to the sourness of the extract.
"Well, I tried it out. It tastes like... that tastes like... It's not that very sour, it tastes good if you mix it with something a little! So I guess imma leave this for our maknae since she's a big fan of it"
"Wait lemme just do something, then try it"

I took one of the plastic cups, poured some water and some of the extract, then added some sugar and finally mixed it all. Yes, I usually bring some of those tiny packets cuz I eat it when I lack of energy in the shootings.
"Here, try it now" I said handing him the whole thing.
"Woah! This is good!"
"Obviously! Cuz I made it!" I said sassily.
"As expected from our maknae"
"I'm gonna give some also to the other members"

Then our food arrived and we all took turns to eat. Seongjun and I were last. He had some Injeolmie croffle while I had some chicken salad and obviously my calamansi juice.
We were eating peacefully until Minjae arrived and stared at his Seongjun for a while before taking the fork out of his hand and having a big bite of his croffle and he went away saying that it was good.

CJ stared blankly at the cam as I laughed before reacting.
"We live like this, I've got my food stolen usually. Everyone, I'm used to it but luckily we have QT, who always gives some of her food to their leader"
"I'm the only good kid here" I said placing some of my food on his plate.
"That's why you're my favorite"

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